When Do I Kiss My Boyfriend?

Okay well me and my boyfriend usually go out for late walks and we laugh and joke around and he tickles me a lot, like I’m confused cause do I just kiss him?? like when, I want to kiss him not only like after when we say good-bye but like when were hanging-out

Answer #1

ahaha… I had the same confusion as you before =) I wanted kisses to be natural between me and my boyfriend, like I didn’t want to kiss him in moments where people would normally kiss (when you meet up, when you say goodbye, when he gets you something)… I normally sneak a kiss whenever I feel the moment is right! (when we watch a movie and there’s a scene where the girl kisses a guy, I’d kiss my boyfriend!) you can practucally kiss him whenever you like! sometimes I’d just kiss my boyfriend on the cheek, and he’s look at me confused, then I’d just say something like, “you’re looking extra good today” =)

Answer #2

thanks for the help! =D

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