When a guy looks at your ass, do you like it?

I was chattn wid ths guy and he told me he luvs my ass Thn inoticd evrytime I look beind me whn da guy is thrr hes staring at my ass I find it funny and I actully feel good How bout you girls

Answer #1

That’s how we’re made ladies…Sorry if it upsets you.

Answer #2

Guys are also thinking about what else is down ther.

Answer #3

I Like It When Guys Stare At My A.s.s. It Makes you Feel Gd About your Self :)

Answer #4

lol if my man is looking at my a-s-s an does so a lot says he loves my a-s-s lol well hey I LOVE him looking at it then but if other guys do I woud ay ewwwy perve!!!

Answer #5

It can be taken as a compliment, but I can’t really say that I like it personally. It makes me feel like I’m a sexual object to the guy, and nothing more.

So.. it is a little repulsive to me.

Answer #6

I am a guy and I know why they stare at girls a.s.ses… its because well if they know some certain things then there thinking one of these three

ONE: if your a.s.s sways when you walks then they are thinking… : “I bet she screams”

TWO: when a guy is stareing down your a.s.s then feel good about it its not suposed to be embarrasing we stare because we think its hot!

THREE: when a guy stares at your a.s.s he likes you it means he is attracted to you and cant take his eyes off you… even if its only at your a.s.s

Answer #7

I always see guys staring at my ass but I take it as a compliment

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