Whats wrong with my zune?

whats wrong with my Zune? It will turn on and then flash the word zune and the symbol and then turnoff and then when I plug it in it turns on loads and goes to a white screen and turns back off and turns back off and keeps repeating this process until you unplug it… does anyone know whats wrong?

Answer #1

Maybe the HDD is broken if it’s making weird sounds. If that’s the case it would be irreparable and you would have to send it to the manufacturer for a new HDD, but I don’t know if it’s worth it; I don’t know if it costs less or more to just buy a new one than to send it back to the manufacturer.

Answer #2

Have you tried updating its firmware?

Answer #3

Surussurge, My Mobile kept getting a white screen, im not sure if it’s broken or not but could you get it repaired? or update the firmware as Odal said. Good Luck :)

Answer #4

My reply had been edited… grrr

Answer #5

well I can hear the hard drive in it fail whenever you plug it in

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