Why do I feel terrible all the time?

I feel terrible all the time…it’s like…really hard to describe how I feel. I think I might be depressed but if I tell my parents that I will let them down because they think I am their “perfect” little “angel”. Wow… I keep having panic attacks also. Whats wrong with me??

Answer #1


I admit i have a problem. I wanna get help but it isnt that easy\

id love getting helop but therapists dont work…not on me at least…ive seen a therapist since i was 5…

and they just make me worse

Answer #2

you shoud talk to your parents because you cant see a doctor by yourself. a minor cannot be treated without parental consent so either way you have to tell your parents.

Answer #3

If I were you I wouldn’t worry about what your parents thought, if they had any sense they would be understand and still think your there perfect little angel and they probably will think that…cause you are #1 here. They are not you and your the one that is feeling yucky…tell you doc what you feel like OK…but don’t let them put you on effexor if you can help it…ask him if there is anything else first…but if you had to do it…anxiety sucks I have it everyday of my life and panic attacks…not nice…anyway are your parents that strict and un understanding that they wouldnt help, you don’t have to tell them anyway, go to the doctor and see what he says…maybe he will just give you a small prescription to calm you down a little…panic attacks are not healthy…so i hope this helped abit

Answer #4

What you want to hear: It’s your parent’s fault

The truth: You have a bad self image. Your constant posts about image and anorexia prove that you have a skewed self image.

YOU have to first admit and accept that you have a problem.

You should seek professional help.

You can’t ask a question and only get answers you want to hear.

Answer #5

Oh, I don’t know, maybe you are sick. Maybe you know you are causing yourself to be sick. Could it be you are struggling with the “decisions” you have made? I think that it in your desire to be “perfect”, as you said, it is beginning to wear you down. If you can’t bare disappointing your parents, that is a lot of pressure for someone so young. Who else are you trying to be perfect for? You keep posting questions and so many times you get answers advising you seek professional help. When are you going to do this? Do you just ignore the advice you don’t like and continue to post questions. This website cannot offer you the help you need. Talk to someone, a teacher, school counselor, friend, just pick somebody and start talking. You are a sad, little girl and there is nothing I can do for you. You need to get professional help. Saving your life is up to you.

Answer #6

It might just be u being a teenager. But if it’s not, u should get some help, tell ur parents, they’ll understand, they actually do understand a lot more than we think they do. but let them know and maybe start seieng a therapist or somthing, trust me, in time, itll be better. if u dont tell them so u dont “let them down” then ur grades may start to drop, u could start slackin in other activities and it wouldlet them down more than ever.

Answer #7

wow! thanks!!! sarcasm

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