Is he ok? What is it?

Ok so me and my boyfriend slept together for the first time just slept (nude) we didnt have sex but when we woke up there was a wet sticky spot inbetween us..

Whats with this is he ok?

Answer #1

lol. its called a wet dream. guys get them sometimes. don’t freak out, but I do suggest cleaning up and whatnot…

he probably just got a bit extra aroused with you laying next to him naked. don’t freak out too much, ok?

Answer #2

LMAO, it was most likely either sweat or his cum. He probably got so excited he was laying next to you naked, that he came while you were sleeping and that sticky stuff was mostly like from him. Or maybe you spilled Kool-aid. I don’t know. But thats my best guess, lol.

Answer #3

He could’ve been watching porn when you fell asleep

Answer #4

He was proberly touching himself

Answer #5

Get the morning after pill.

Answer #6

OH MY! Im Freaking Out Cause It Was Like On My… You Know I Was Layin In It!.. What Do I Do?!!

Answer #7

No, it really is, trust me. Been there, done that. It happens all the time.

Answer #8

HELP! pleasssee.

Answer #9

but we didnt have sex we just slept together we fell asleep hugging and then this. I mean, no it cant be.

Answer #10

Uh Nooo We Didnt Have Sex just Sticky Stuff Was In The Middle And On Us.

Answer #11

OH, and he’s fine. Probably better than fine is just came. Lol

Answer #12

all I gotta say is he was trying to get ya preg.!:)

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