Whats up with some advice on here?

Okay, is it just me or are some people on here leaving some weird advice on questions? 0_o;

I’ve just been browsing and I’ve noticed a lot of weird things all of a sudden…anyone else notice this?

Answer #1


I dont know, its weird though! I just keep reporting them.

Answer #2

To the original poster, sorry about all that. I had to lock down the question to prevent our little troll friend from posting more nonsense. His IP address has been banned, so unless he wants to schlep to Starbucks to bother everyone, he won’t be back.

Answer #3

And he seems to think he’s being clever about it, too. Farewell, little IP address. We hardly knew ye.

Answer #4

Check out some of the weird things on this question:



Answer #5

We try and weed out those people who are simply here to troll, to swear a lot and act childishly and try to get a reaction, and for the most part, we manage to catch most people before they get out of hand. Unfortunately, we can’t be everywhere at once, so if you do see someone like the people in kitaro’s example, let an advisor know ASAP and they will be dealt with. It’s not behavior that will be tolerated on the boards.

Answer #6

People being crazy,I’ve ran into a couple,one of them was very gross,but hey,if it bothers you,report it and be on with your day. Don’t stress about it.

Answer #7

One dude on here is making so many pages just flooding the website,futile.

Answer #8


Answer #9

Yeah, I’m not stressin about it, just wondering. Just kinda weird.

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