What's a good title for my Tumblr blog?

Answer #1

What is it going to be about?

Answer #2

I have no idea if any of these are already taken, but you could make it something like: emilysmiles, emilygee, thegirlwho…, beautiful-on-the-inside, i-like-…, blueskies, determined-to-…, emilyiscool4reelz, emilyl0vesyou, lost-in-time, lostwithoutyou, anything-but-ordinary, findxfaith, an0ther-twisted-mind, etc. You could also use lyrics that you like.

Answer #3

Oh, wow. It says title… whoops. I gave you a bunch of URL ideas, haha, sorry! How about “All You Need Is Love” or “Your voice makes my heart skip beats”, or some kind of quote or song lyric that you like.

Answer #4

it doesnt really have a theme but i just want some kind of quote or something

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