Whats this song?

Its techno,its by a british girl.. I heard it at a party I went to, its like-

I want to take drugs tonight; I want to get high. I want to f*ck up my life- Would that be alright?

And then it goes through a bunch of different drugs.

What is it?!?

Answer #1

AHHH yes jhobbs got it. thats the one in the video what is it?!?!

Answer #2

damn it you won jhobbs! jk lol

Answer #3

its techno. im answering jhobbs queston, not yoursmrscobainx3, sorry I dont know it:(

Answer #4

I tried youtube as well..:( im sorry

Answer #5

Sorry, but I cannot find ANY information on this song.

From what I could read off of a couple swedish forums, it sounds like the original creator was a DJ Toon(can’t really verify this, just hearsay), and a month after uploading it onto youtube, he removed it and shut down his own website… ?

So uh… atleast I found the song :\

Answer #6

Sounds like it might be Afroman’s ‘Let’s Get High Tonight’

If not, what kind’ve song is it? Rap, rock, pop??

Answer #7

:O it sounds good - lol I cant find out what it is :O try searchin it on gooogle thats what I just tried but couldnt find anything Sorry xD

Answer #8

I can’t really find any info as far as an actual title or artist, but here you go:


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