What is the possibility of pregnancy?

Okay so I went to my Bfs over the fourth of july had sex the night of my period I had sex twice the next night we had sex once and both nights without protection and I usaually go 3 or 4 days on my period it has been almost a week whats that mean what are my possiabilities of being pregnant please help me

Answer #1

Ok seriously I know a good handful of women that got prego that way!

Dont be stupid get protected! its not worth the scare and unless you want a baby on the way you should start using your head. im not trying to be mean but I kno0w so many girls that this has happened too and it sucks! Get on birth control

With the prego thing take a test and pray for the best I hope it all works out!

Answer #2

The chances are very, very low, but not impossible. I don’t think you have anything to worry about, but this is not behavior that you will want to make a habit of. I remember a particularly memorable class in which my sociology professor told us that all three of his children had been conceived while his wife had been on her period (I’m sure this fit into the class structure somehow, but for the life of me, I can no longer remember how or why).

Answer #3

This is not a good habit. You should always use protection unless you really really want a baby. Hope I helped u.

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