Whats the meaning

So I’ve been with this guy for over 3 years on and off. Im always the one to break up with him, but we end up coming back. Usually its me who comes back. Well were back again and everything has been fine until one day out of no where I start doubting the relationship again. I told him about my doubts and he sense a break up coming up and told me “ I wont let you break up with me again, if anything ill be the one to walk out.” I asked him what if I did try to break up with him he just said” I wont let you”…What the hell does he mean by that.

Answer #1

He’s probably just mad that you’re immature enough to break up with a guy, and then go back to him…more than once.

Answer #2

I think you guys must be young first of all and so this type of thing is pretty normal. However you need to talk and see if your happy and wanna be together or not and go from there..

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Love & Relationships

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