Whats the funniest song you've ever heard??

Mines definately…Jizzed in my pants =D

Answer #1

ding dong by gunther

Answer #2

There’s a song that goes poor me, poor me, poor me… another shot of whiskey. I don’t know who sings it.

Answer #3

Dear Penis by Jack Black or Eat It byt Weird Al

Answer #4

Try “Stranded in the Jungle” by the New York Dolls.

Answer #5

immigration by chingo bling

Answer #6

Chacarron Maccaron by El Mundo

Answer #7

Different spoofs of backstreet boys songs from Wierd Al Eat It by wierd al stop draggin my car around wierd al another one rides the bus wierd al look him up… he’s really funny

Answer #8

booty bounce by some black guy

Answer #9

Yeah ‘your so gay’ by Katy Perry is funny. My mom says it describes my dad lmao

Answer #10

your so gay by Katy Perry

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