whats the best pet to get?

the best pet to get?

Answer #1

Well,I like cats they are so much easier to take care of then dogs.Besides I’m afraid of dogs.Next to that a goldfish but that’s hardly a pet.

Answer #2

dogs are great but they are a huge respondsibility, and I love them but I dont have the time or patience. what is an animal that will get peoples attention, be easy to care for and never lose your interest?? SNAKE!! I BIG one. little ones suck. I’m getting another one before school starts, I can’t wait!

giraffes are pretty awesome, but they have trouble learning to roll over.

Answer #3

dogs are great! I like them better than cats because they don’t have stinky litter boxes to clean. I have three cats and two dogs and prefer dogs. they’re more fun and playful and will be a loving and steadfast friend.

Answer #4

A Guinea pig isn’t bad there really cute and are actually quite smart : ) and there cute and really friendly or perhaps a small rabbit such as a Holland lop of the sort : ) ?

Answer #5

Get a kitten lol, cats are awesome, they’re so cute when they play.. We just got a baby kitten at my house, she won’t let us sleep lol, she just sits there and purrs in your ear all night and tries to clean my hair, and rubs against me lol. I got a really good kitten, she comes every single time I call her and she used the litter box from day 1, and I got her when she was just a tiny tiny kitten. When you select a pet, make sure you don’t just pick one that looks cool, if it’s say a litter of kittens or a litter of puppies, sit with the litter for a little while and see which animals have the most interest in you. Get an animal that loves you and has a ton of personailty and you’ll be happy.

Answer #6

no pets!. just kiddin get a chiguagua!!

Answer #7

A bird. theyre a little messy but I have a cocktiel and I love it.

Answer #8

giraffes simply rocks

Answer #9

I love Dogs !!

Answer #10

a dog

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