What's so bad about stripping?

if your not bad at it and you have a nice body and your life is in control I dont understand why people think its so bad. I dont think people understand that there are so many unfortunate people out there who cant afford the finer things in life like COLLEGE!!!

Answer #1

I have only had sex with one man in my life and I strip right now to get through school. I’m 22 and going through a divorce, my credit was ruined, can’t get enough financial aid because my husband makes too much money (he didn’t make money when I met him, but now he does) and I don’t have family. I believe stripping isn’t bad depending on what you use it for. If you steal a loaf of bread to feed your family, it isn’t wrong. If you steal a loaf of bread to sell it for profit, it becomes wrong. I have only given one man a blow job in my life and that was my husband (believe it or not)! I really hate how people say stripping is prostitution. Yeah, some prostitutes are strippers, but some very decent and exceptionally strong women are also strippers. I don’t think it benefits society, so anyone stripping should be using it to better themselves (unless they are busy providing for their children). There are hundreds of women who live with a man they don’t truly love, just so they can get through school and have a place to live. Once they graduate, they leave the man. I believe using someone and playing with their emotions on that level is far more morally wrong then entertaining them by sexually teasing to pay your bills on your own and get through college. I met my good friend stripping and she got me into bartending so now I have another skill that helps me pay my bills and still have extra time to study. When my husband left I had absolutely nothing, now I have only a year and a half of school left, an interview pertaining to my major next week, and a nice reliable car (I didn’t even have a car…can’t apply to jobs if you don’t’ even have that). I had few marketable skills because my husband was very controlling and wouldn’t let me work when I was married (since 19). A lot of strippers have had very hard lives, and men take advantage of that, but that is no different from any other situation: the world takes advantage of people who are unfortunate, strip clubs not excluded. That is not stripper’s fault, that is the fault of selfish people. It is in people’s nature to take advantage of you if you act desperate, and I have learned that getting interviews in the professional world reaps the same outcome. Some greedy strippers will take advantage of drunk, lonely, depressed men and that isn’t too good either. Some men will pay for you to just sit and talk, and those are the nights where I have made the most money. In extreme situations, you find extreme people. At clubs, there are extremely selfish women, drug addicts and prostitutes, but there are also extremely kind, moral (yes, I said MORAL), genuine and extraordinary women who are true fantasies. I have met many stripper friends, and even though I have had a very hard childhood (but no sexual abuse, I should like to note) some of my stripper friends have come from very good families. Good luck to anyone stripping to get on their feet and best wishes that when they get on their feet, they will run to somewhere much better. I hate my job, but without it, I may be stuck in another abusive relationship miserable and going nowhere. I know I am going somewhere now, as I also have a teaching job at the moment. I hope I get this job next week, but until then, bills need to get paid, and I need more time to study. Sorry so long!

Answer #2

In reality there’s nothing bad about it. It’s their choice if they want to strip, no one’s making them. Strippers make mad money. If you’re comfortable with yourself doing it and stuff, then who cares. If people disrespect you for it to hell with them. They’re probably either jealous, overly self-conscious women, or jealous guys who know they ain’t gettin’ none of that.

Answer #3

One last thing, it is unfair to assume that if a girl becomes a dancer it’s because she has a deep, dark past. It’s unfair to assume she’s been sexually abused as well, because it’s not always true. Not everyone is the same, girls get into it for different reasons. I have no past history of sexual abuse in my life- EVER, I’ve always had an good family life (sure all families hit rough patches, it’s typical) but nothing out of the ordinary.

Until you’ve lived it, no one is really in a position to judge.

Answer #4

I think it depends on you. If you are selling the act and not your body, it’s okay. Its entertainment and if that is your talent, go for it, but never feel like you have to settle for less because you don’t. Just look at it as another option.

Answer #5

What about sexually abused people, maybe they feel they aren’t worth good jobs or something. Hence I agree with pinkpearl

Answer #6

What is so good about it?…Everyone who knows you will loose respect for you.#1You will loose respect for yourself…that is the worse part of it…when youloose your respect for your ownself you loose it all…if you do not love yourself how can you love any other person? In order to love others you MUST be able to love yourself…you can get grants, and get a job…and keep your self respect…you are young now and cannot see how this can happen but it does and if you think youare cheap…you will be

Answer #7

as a stripper, you become an object…I dont think you want that.

Answer #8

People thinks its so bad becauseost people thinks its slutty

Answer #9

Moral issues aside, it’s an incredibly unsafe industry and the girls are usually exploited. The sex trade attracts a lot of girls who are running away from something. Those girls are weak and vulnerable, and the guys who run strip clubs, well, why do you think they do it? Not just for the money.

Answer #10

Come on now??? your degrading your body!!! your getting paid to show men your body!! I personally think its sick!! God made are bodies not to go and get paid for shaking your a**!!! Its just dirty and I think its nasty!!!

Answer #11

the reason society dubs it “bad” is because its a sexual act that is supposed to get a sexual response. in out society sex is frowned on because too many people do it underage and get pregnant when theyre young (which would suck) and also they get diseases which we are of course trying to prevent.

Hence no stripping.

Answer #12

Whoa… everyone is bashing it… it’s not all bad boogie man stuff like everyone is saying.

Yes it can be unsafe… that’s why you have to be smart about it(just like any other job). You want a venue with a good reputation and if you’re good you can enter a contract with the venue and state your demands.

Being promiscuous or -out there- with your body does not put you at a higher risk for rape or sexual assault. Rape is about control, not sex. Nobody “asks to get raped” by how they dress(or don’t!).

As for respect, it takes an incredibly brave and confident woman to be able to bare it all. Sure, there are prudes and such… but you won’t see them at a gentleman’s club. ;) Stripping is entertainment at it’s simplest form. And if you’re alright with it… who cares what anyone else thinks. There are worse/more dangerous industries to get involved with.

xox Sika

Answer #13

I dont see anything wrong with stripping. All the negatives have already been said. You have to deal with being called out of your name, and people making assumptions about you. Other than that, it is VERY easy money. I wish I was a girl because I would strip. You get money just for being naked. That is ALL. Do what you have to do but know that stripping isnt your only option and know that you cant strip forever.

Answer #14

What’s so bad about stripping? Well for starters, do you realize that it is NOT just “entertainment at its simplest form” it is in fact a soft form of prostitution. It is quite simply payment in return for a sexual act. Note I did not say payment for sex. It is entertainment in only the loosest sense of the word. People make this mistake, because they forget about the sexual aspect of it. If it were JUST nude dancing then it would be just entertainment. However, the sad fact is, there is a very dark sexual aspect to stripping.

Stripping is by its very nature sexual. One can argue all they want that its empowering and that it takes a secure, brave woman, but there is no getting away from the reality that stripping is entirely about sex. The movements of the dancer on stage most often include simulating sex acts and are specifically done to arouse a sexual desire in the customer. Lap or “private” dancers are even more sexually explicit. Most dancers actually come into contact with the customer during a private dance, and while there is no pentration, there is often contact between the dancer and the customer’s groin or between the dancers breasts and the customers face and or body.

It is because of this sexual aspect that the majority of people don’t hold strippers in high regard. This attitude leads to sexual harassment for almost every girl in the strip club at some point in her “career”. Ask ANY dancer and they will tell you about the disgusting things men have said to them and asked them to do or about the men who just assume they can touch the girls as they please.

Now, if you think prostituting and degrading yourself to that level is ok, then by all means go for it. Someone who chooses to strip may have a different morality; That’s fine. Just realize that despite the patitudes of stripping’s supporters, stripping is NOT simply “entertainment” it is rather the subjugation of women for the sexual desire of men.

Answer #15

yeah, stripping is probably bad for society (and it’s employees), along with all the sex industry, which I think includes provocative models, fashion, and extends to provocative TV advertisements/music videos. But how is focusing on the negativity of it going to help anything? I mean, a lot of the most beautiful things can come from chaos and bad…instead of focusing on the horrors and evil of the sex industry, people should focus on helping better the situation if they are sooo against it. …God won’t help you unless you are willing to help yourself. Prayer and meditation have their place, but is that really going to make God magically wave his wand and change the situation? That site lists all the negative things involved with the sex industry, but where are the links to shelters and job-placement or college assistance to sex industry workers who have been raped or victimized? I try not to listen to anyone criticizing my job unless they are willing to pay my bills and help me get through school. Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs…first involves food and shelter..second one involves safety…how can you get to the top of the pyramid, self-actualization (which prayer supposedly achieves), if the foundation isn’t there?? I think living in a homeless shelter (which I have lived in before) is way more dangerous then stripping…I was LITERALLY roommates with druggies and desperate people; Stripping, you are just WORKING with them, which is a few notches above that. When I get out of this, I want to adopt a child and make life better for someone, but focusing on the negativity of the industry is only going to discourage people who actually have their head straight. And there are some people who have used it to get through school, are out of it and are doing good for themselves (and hopefully for people around them.) If you have less to lose, then you are willing to risk more.

Answer #16

as an ex dancer and now a manager at a strip club I don’t belive there is anything wrong working as a dancer, I have been on the scene for 5and a half years and have meet the best and the worst kind of people and thats what the job is about you just need to look at the venues and see who is running them and what kind of girls are there now and how the club looks. don’t just go were the money is you may have to do things you thought you would never do just rem you can always say no and walk away at anytime. but I love my job and love the girls I work with and no I do not or will not do drugs and have no mental problems I am a normal girl with a different lifestyle to everyone else and thats what I love about it

Answer #17

Well, since you brought it up. You can go to college for free if you do your homework. There are all kinds of grants and scholarships out there just waiting to be given out. So you don’t have to say you’d have to strip to make the money to go to college. Just wanted to point that out.

As for stripping, if someone wants to do that, that is their business. I’ve never begrudged anyone or attacked anyone for stripping. To each their own. But if you have children it might make it hard on them. Especially if people find out, and they usually do. It also puts women who do it in an unsafe position when the guys (or girls) that they dance for want to take it further. I’d tell anyone who wants to do it to think long and hard, but in the end just do what ever you feel is right for you.

Answer #18

I think showing your body to someone like that should be to someone that you truly love. And if you have a boyfriend, I personally think thats really disrespectful to him, even if he says its okay for you to strip. Its just one of those things that no matter what, people are going to judge you for. Especially when theres all kinds of other things you can do out there for money, without taking your clothes off. And choosing to do so says a lot about your personality. You are putting yourself at high risk of a lot of things you may not think of, such as sexual assult and rape. The whole college excuse, just doesn’t do it for me. Sorry, but no. I’d rather flip burgers for college money…

Answer #19

What’s so bad about stripping? Well for starters, do you realize that it is NOT just “entertainment at its simplest form” it is in fact a soft form of prostitution. It is quite simply payment in return for a sexual act. Note I did not say payment for sex. It is entertainment in only the loosest sense of the word. People make this mistake, because they forget about the sexual aspect of it. If it were JUST nude dancing then it would be just entertainment. However, the sad fact is, there is a very dark sexual aspect to stripping.

Stripping is by its very nature sexual. One can argue all they want that its empowering and that it takes a secure, brave woman, but there is no getting away from the reality that stripping is entirely about sex. The movements of the dancer on stage most often include simulating sex acts and are specifically done to arouse a sexual desire in the customer. Lap or “private” dancers are even more sexually explicit. Most dancers actually come into contact with the customer during a private dance, and while there is no pentration, there is often contact between the dancer and the customer’s groin or between the dancers breasts and the customers face and or body.

It is because of this sexual aspect that the majority of people don’t hold strippers in high regard. This attitude leads to sexual harassment for almost every girl in the strip club at some point in her “career”. Ask ANY dancer and they will tell you about the disgusting things men have said to them and asked them to do or about the men who just assume they can touch the girls as they please.

Now, if you think prostituting and degrading yourself to that level is ok, then by all means go for it. Someone who chooses to strip may have a different morality; That’s fine. Just realize that despite the patitudes of stripping’s supporters, stripping is NOT simply “entertainment” it is rather the subjugation of women for the sexual desire of men.

Answer #20

Is anyone who is posting here ACTUALLY a dancer? No one is any position to judge until they have done it, and I am speaking from experience. The key issue with dancing is dignity. If you walk into your club every night work the floor, get those dances and work your butt off, go home, sleep and do it again the next day- then that’s doing it right. If you’re walking into your club, getting those dances and doing extra favors for more money- now you’re talking prostitution. And NO amount of money is worth selling your body for a few extra bucks to someone who you don’t know, who could be carrying a disease. You never know, and for those extra bucks is it worth the risk? Some guys come into the club, they see you dance, you talk for awhile, go into the champange room and you can get paid just to sit there and TALK. Believe it, it happens. I have made money just TALKING to man, I didn’t have to dance for him- I didn’t even have to take my clothes off, I just sat there and was someone to talk to for a half hour, hour. A lot of times that’s all a man wants, a friend, someone to talk to. There’s no shame in being kind to someone in that sense.

If you do your job the right way, working hard at selling a FANTASY, then you’re golden. But if you’re selling YOURSELF and letting a man put his hands or other parts where they should not be- then that is a whole different story, and THAT is just plain wrong.

Answer #21

Miss xalaskax’s assertion that unless one has stripped, then they aren’t “really in a position to judge.” is quite simply illogical and idiotic. It’s also extremely hypocritical in that she passes judgment on girls who do extras or prostitute themselves, but I assume she has done neither.

The FACT is, whether xalaskax wants to admit it or not, as I stated earlier stripping is a form of prostitution, in that the definition of prostitution is “preforming a sexual act for compensation”. Is it as bad as giving oral sex or sexual intercourse for money? Of course not. Is it still a female doing something sexual for a male for a fee. Absolutely.

The thing is, I’ve been in the business. I know girls who still are in the business, and I know others who thank god they got out. From my point of view and my morality, the business is seedy and demeaning. It strips away a women’s worth, and makes her only value be of a sexual nature. Brains, intellect, empathy, and kindness have NO value in that world. The only thing of value is your body and your sexuality. That is why almost every girl who has ever danced has been either sexually assaulted (customers grabbing their breasts, butts or genitals), verbally assaulted (called a wh*re etc…) or sexually harassed (asked to engage in more explicit sexual acts). It is unfortunate but understandable. For how can we expect men to respect us as women, when we offer ourselves up as mere objects for their sexual entertainment?

I got into stripping thinking that it was just a matter of being naked in front of strangers and that while that may not have been a good thing, the money more than made up for the bad aspects of that. However, I quickly found out that in order to make money, I didn’t have to just dance naked, I had to at the very least pretend to be sexual onstage and in the private dance rooms. Even then I didn’t realize what it was I was doing as everyone around me did the same thing or worse. I never gave extras and didn’t allow my customers to touch me, but I know many girls who did/do and who would have never thought that it was ok when they first started dancing.

My life changed, and as it did I began to realize that I was worth SO much more. My nakedness and sexuality is now something someone can only buy with true love. Money just isn’t worth enough… If other girls want to sell themselves for grungy, single dollar bills, then so be it, but don’t tell us we don’t have the right to judge you for it. Your morality may be different than mine but that doesn’t make mine any less valid.

Answer #22

I have only had sex with one man in my life and I strip right now to get through school. I’m 22 and going through a divorce, my credit was ruined, can’t get enough financial aid because my husband makes too much money (he didn’t make money when I met him, but now he does) and I don’t have family. I believe stripping isn’t bad depending on what you use it for. If you steal a loaf of bread to feed your family, it isn’t wrong. If you steal a loaf of bread to sell it for profit, it becomes wrong. I have only given one man a blow job in my life and that was my husband (believe it or not)! I really hate how people say stripping is prostitution. Yeah, some prostitutes are strippers, but some very decent and exceptionally strong women are also strippers. I don’t think it benefits society, so anyone stripping should be using it to better themselves (unless they are busy providing for their children).

Answer #23

btw, I don’t hate my job entirely. I met one of my best guy friends at a strip club (never messed around) and have learned a lot about human behavior/psychology. WOmen get sexually harrassed wherever they go because men are dogs!! I worked at an office job before I got married and had problems with sexual harrassment, never wearing revealing clothing.

Answer #24

btw, I don’t hate my job entirely. I met one of my best guy friends at a strip club (never messed around) and have learned a lot about human behavior/psychology. WOmen get sexually harrassed wherever they go because men are dogs!! I worked at an office job before I got married and had problems with sexual harrassment, never wearing revealing clothing.

Answer #25

Theres nothing wrong with stripping. if your good at it then go with what you feel. just dont become a nasty hoe from it. (:

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