What's love got to do with it?

is it posible to get married and have a kid if your not in love and stay with that person for years to come. and still love your x that u have a kid with from three years ago

Answer #1

I guess so. But you shouldn’t stay with your husband if you really don’t love him. So my advice? Leave him. I’m guessing since you’re still married to him, you’re stil lhaving sex with him.So why have sex with a person you don’t TRULY love?Really.

Answer #2

Dear lostluv20, Anything is possible. Will you live a happy life…probably not. You had a child prior and he is your EX…he’s your ex for a reason. Write down why you broke up and look at that daily. It was a big enough reason to part ways and a deal breaker. This will remind you why it is impossible to rekindle that relationship and help you get over it…we love a lot of people in a life time that doesn’t mean they are healthy for us or a good fit for us. We move on. Marrying someone we don’t love then having a child with them was a very bad mistake on your part and perhaps even deceptive if he thinks you love him. I suggest you head on over to a counsellor. Your children deserve a happy mother. Sue…good luck

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