Whats going on with me?

I just started putting on a lot of eyeliner and wearing a lot more skater stuff I ALWAYS have my hood up so noones can see my face …do you know why im doing this ?

Answer #1

Your just changing yourself, expressing you. Perhaps having new interests, in ‘more’ eyeliner and skater clothes. I guess. For the hood thing, maybe you prefer it up, it gives me closure when I do it, it gives me the feel of being independent, maybe it’s what you feel as well, but hey, that’s just me xp

hope it helps!!

Answer #2

if its a drastic change I think you know what it is inside, personally I think its eighther an attention thing or wanting to fit in, or it could be somthing completely diff.

Answer #3

im a guy and I always were skater clothes and perfer to have my hood up. Everybody takes it as if im emo but im realy not so there is nothing wrong with you and you are just trying to be your own independant self.

Answer #4

well seeing as the whole skater clothing and eyeliner thing r “totally in this season” for teens id say you probably want to fit in or be part of some crowd or something

Answer #5

are you relatively happy? when I met my girlfriend about a year ago she was emo, always wore black eyeliner and nail polish, kept her hair over her face so noone could see her and was always angry. she even cut herself and she was extremely unhappy with herself and her life. but I managed to change all that for her. she is very happy now, she still wears some eyeliner but not a lot. she keeps her hair out of her face and dresses in more colors other than black now. so what you are experiencing could have something to do with your happiness, or other emotions you have inside.

Answer #6

your prob covering up somethink, it sounds like your insucure

Answer #7

maybe it’s puberty??


Answer #8

maybe you want attention. or to feel “in”

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