Whats bad about Fox News ?

I heard many ironical statements on fox news, and many were inclined to promote its bad sides, that its too conservative and stuff

I watch only CNN so cant compare

pls explain

Answer #1

Id love to but could you give me a link ?

Answer #2

Check the Ratings (CNN vs Fox) - they’ll show you what the country prefers.

Answer #3

they report blatant lies as the truth, and put a heavy conservative spin on their stories to the point where it is basically misinformation.

Answer #4

well being that the overlying majority of the “media” are more “liberal” than conservative- I would have to say I am glad that ‘fox news’ gives the other side of the story.

“conservative media” whether it is television or talk radio has been coming under fire for awhile now in an attempt to silence it.

I support fox news and the patriot radio station- it is the only way that I can hear news that I somewhat trust, and news that gives a somewhat ‘objective’ opinion. I really enjoy watching and listening to Laura Ingraham, and sometimes Rush.

Answer #5

lol, it tends to put a conservative spin on things (which the left media does too, so cant fault it for that). But it also tends to report lies as fact… Also you’ve got racist, sexist, bigoted people reporting. On that basis alone I’d say it was bad enough.

Answer #6

There are conservative news sources that I trust. The Wall Street Journal and U.S. News & World Report have a conservative slant but they generally stick to facts.

Fox news is pure right wing propaganda. They report misleading facts, half-truths, and baldfaced lies; anything to advance their cause with no regard for reality.

Currently MSNBC has positioned itself as the liberal news source, Fox the conservative, and CNN is trying to steer the middle ground. All of our major media is corporately owned so don’t expect to see any opinions stray too far to the left for any though.

Rush LImbaugh and Laurn Ingraham “objective?” Bwahahahahaha!

Answer #7

If you read up on factual inconsistancies (eg, mis-reporting OR being too quick to report something as fact that’s not) FOX leads the pack.

It’s not a “conservative” or “liberal” issue it’s about Truth in Journalism…I read a study about the Iraq war (independent) that said those who were most misled in the US about the situation in Iraq were those who watched FOX news as their primary way of learning about current events.

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