What does a "scene kid" mean?

Lol.. I reallii need to no what a scene kid is.. Because im a “Emo scene kid” in my school play..

please help what is one??

Thankz lol x x x Immiie x x x

Answer #1

k well 1st of all scene and emo are not the same thing they have like one or more similarities but scene is like a PREPPY version of emo 1.they dont just wear black 2.they dont cut them selves and 3. they wear lots of colorful tight clothes and acessories

Answer #3

wow. iim. moorre. scene. than. youu. fagg.

Answer #4

I’m a emo and my best mate is a scene. They wear Skinny jeans, love neon colours, tight clothes and they are full of life. They love things like glommy bears, ugly dollz, domo, skelanimals. They are often have funky coloured hair aswell

Answer #5

When white people wanted identity in the 90’s all they had was wigger goth jock( it used to be you had to be a jock to be a prep) or nerd. white people decided they didnt want to be those things anymore so they invented emo about 8 years ago, then emo got played out so now they have scene kids. scene kids are a combination of Nerd Emo and Prep, like I said you dont have to be a jock to be prep anymore. bisexuality and open gayness were never praised until emo hit the scene and scenekid is equally as accepting if not more. the look? really tight pants on a skinny body + youth.

Answer #6

DUMBBB they arnt emotional.. scene kids are kids that are cocky confident vain beautiful. flawless! they know what they ant and they get what they want. they dress in nothing but the best of the best. flanting their chennal and dior.

they are happy with their lives and the fact that they get what they want!

Answer #7

A scene kid knows there the sex, and they know they can have anything. There beautiful, and flawless. Everyone wants to be them, but they know they cant, so they hate them. They are random and fun, and love love love music and clothes.

Answer #8

A scene kid is apparently just like an emo but more colourful. emos normally wear dark colours but scenes wear bright colours and have awesome hair and make up !!! x x x x x

Answer #9

well im a scenekid scene kids are different from emo kids emo kids are gothic meanin weres mostly dark colors sum rnt gothic emo kidsalso cut themselves they do this mostly because they are depress3d most emo kids listen 2 bands Like slipknot and other heavy Metal and alternativE bands scene kids dress in all colors I dont wear gurls jeans but most scene kids do and most wear black eyeliner I dont scene kids dont cut I sk8board most scene kids do scene kids lIsten 2 bands like the medic droid hope dis helped

Answer #10

lol I think its funny that the “scene kids” that have posted here get so angry and inflate their egos so much. “Don’t say what scene is unless you know what it is to be one!” I’m sorry, but that is hilarious. Like its some sort of plight or charity. Ridiculous.

You’re all like 14-16, right?

Answer #11

well emo and scene are two completely different things scene is a happy colourful fashion/music lifestyle and emo is a darker lyfe style that includes slitting your wrists while writing poetry hope that helps hun!

Answer #12

unless your actually ‘scene’ or ‘emo’ DON’T define these. its stupid. you won’t know until you’ve been one. now, ‘scene’ is not preppy. it first occurs with having to do with different types of music genres. they are mostly confident, bold, and random. the have allot of friends. they have what is known as a ‘rave’ or ‘emo’ look. but really, all it is, is a bunch of clothes that they find attractive to wear. being scene is not really a choice. you are or you aren’t. scene is not ‘emo’ either. they’re entirely different. scenes usually have a bubbly (happy) personality and won’t dump feelings on you. -happy?-

Answer #13

a scene kid is a bright outgoing person and it impossible to be scene and emo that would not make sence scene kid wear bight neon colors and die their hair platinum blond or black with color in it this is a classic scene kid oh and skinny jeans are your best friend

Answer #14

no offense to people that think that all emo’s slit their wrists… ITS NOT TRUE! just wear skinnyjeans, and dark hair like dark brown or blace. but if you have blonde hair just put some bright colors in it like red or pike.. just some bright color!


Answer #15

well… it basically means your gayy =]

coming from 2 chiks that arnt even SCENNEEE!!

bwahahhahah XD

Answer #16

A scene kid is like a happy emo kid .

Answer #17

scene kids: total douchebags who look like color-blind, mildly retarded emo kids. all they ever do is hang out at the mall and go to shows for “bands” that make “music” (noise).

Answer #18

ahh emo and scene are NOT the same. and a lot of people are really biased in their descriptions.

emo= dark style, almost all black clothes, less form fitting stuff, eye liner, unlayered hair, wristbands, hair thats short and spiked up in the back but long in the front, can be alone all the time or awkward, sometimes overweight or needs to shower, usually only friends with other emo kids. likes bands like mcr, the used, etc.

scene= scene mullet (choppy on top to give it volume, longer ends), if hair is colored its not overdone and looks good, tight clothes, higher fashion, sometimes preppy style, original language usage, more colorful, not afraid to look chill but good for unimportant stuff like school, bubbly personality, funny, social, can be friends with both other scene kids and preps. important: goes to shows. listens to many different genres like: metal, grind, acoustic, hip hop, techno, electronica, etc.

you can’t say the words emo and scene in the same sentence, unless you’re a poser who doesn’t know the meaning of scene. so I guess for your play you could be a poser-scene kid, which is an emo kid or loser who thinks their scene. basically, dress in old scene fashion from a few years ago, such as bows, crappy (as opposed to good looking) multicolored hair, overload the cuteness, and mix it with emo stuff. and overuse scene lingo (SUP FRESH LIKE OH EM GEE DERS A RAD SHOW DIS WEEKEND HOMES) very obviously and obnoxiously (as opposed to saying it naturally because its your personality) and suck up to real scene kids.

there ya go. =]

Answer #19

Scene - Wear bright colours, have big hair with coon tails or colours in, lots of necklaces, are into childish things (hello kitty, gloomy bear, dora the explorer, pokemon etc), band tee’s, skinnies and flat shoes are a must for girls, a lip piercing, big sunnies, tutu’s, bow for the hair, will listen to anything other than country music, extend their words (rawwwr, lawlz, babyy), they add parts to their name (Ashleigh Apathetic, Michaela Murder Scene etc).

Emo - Don’t all self harm, wear dark colours, listen to ‘emo’tional music (hawthorne heights, rage against the machine, slip knot, HIM etc), have pale skin, lots of dark make-up, skinnies, hoodie, band tee’s, vans/converses.

Scene and Emo are completely different. Emo is a genre of music and Scene is a stereotype. As you can tell from the lists, they sometimes wear the same sort of things but act differently. If you don’t know what it is then look it up on some online dictionary. People frustrate me because they think they know what they are when really the have no idea.

Answer #20

Scene - Wear bright colours, have big hair with coon tails or colours in, lots of necklaces, are into childish things (hello kitty, gloomy bear, dora the explorer, pokemon etc), band tee’s, skinnies and flat shoes are a must for girls, a lip piercing, big sunnies, tutu’s, bow for the hair, will listen to anything other than country music, extend their words (rawwwr, lawlz, babyy).

Emo - Don’t all self harm, wear dark colours, listen to ‘emo’tional music (hawthorne heights, rage against the machine, slip knot, HIM etc), have pale skin, lots of dark make-up, skinnies, hoodie, band tee’s, vans/converses.

Scene and Emo are completely different. Emo is a genre of music and Scene is a stereotype. As you can tell from the lists, they sometimes wear the same sort of things but act differently. If you don’t know what it is then look it up on some online dictionary. People frustrate me because they think they know what they are when really the have no idea.

Answer #21

I am scene and all of you have different point of views on us apparently. We dont really like being called ‘scene’ and dont think much of this word we are just ourselves. Some of us do wear neon colors many do however some switch it up and emos and scenes are friends we are alike in many ways one of my best friends is emo and we arent rejects we have many friends scenes can be emotional sometimes and dont care what others think. I know what it is like being scene and not following everyone else is really interesting being scene isnt a choice its a life style and whether we want to be or not its just who we are we like skinny jeans, colors or no colors and love music such as death cab for cutie, medic droid, hollywood undead, and blood on the dance floor. We are generally friendly and very energetic we like to have fun and sometimes get into mischeif Many of us like hello kitty and shop at places such as Pac sun, Hot topic, and places like Claire’s for our bows and stuff think they are childishhh or not its just who we are we dont follow others and wear flats and converse a lot many of us straighten our hair, and/or dye it and wear heavy eyeliner no matter the gender, a lot of us tend to be skinny but dont worry we eat and arent all anorexic music is a big part of our life and is what we turn to sometimes to relate to what is happening in each chapter of our lives we dont all turn to self-harm and making jokes about this isn’t funny its serious. Rawrrr, rock on XD

Answer #22

Ok. You All Think You Know But You Dont.Lol. Ok. I Guess I’m Scene. Thats What Everyone Says. I’m Kooh With Thatt I Guess. Scene Kids Do Wear Bright Colors. Thats Very True. But They Also Dark Colors. They Also Wear Converse. It Depends On The Person. Not All Scene Kids Are All Into Themselves Either. And WE Dont All Get What We Want Everytime We Want It. Youre Not Frickin Rich Just Because Youre Scene. Every Scene Kid Is Unique. They Are All Scene Of Course, But In their Own Way. For Example, One Scene Kid Might Wear Only Bright Colors, Another Might Wear Mostly Dark, And Then Theres The Scene Kid Who Does Both. Thats Me. I Wear Lots Of Band Tees. And Skinny Jeans. Sometimes Colorful Ones. But I Wear Converse Almost Everyday. And Lots Of Emo Kids Wear Flats. So You Cant Differentiate Them With Shoes. Idc What Neone Says. Emo And Scene Are Almost The Same. theyrre Like A Mixed Scene Subculture. Emos Are Friends with Scene Kids And Vice Versa. Its Not All “Emos Hate Scene Kids”, Its Not Like That. I Mean. Some people Say Im Emo, And Others Say Im seen. Because The Styles Are So Similar!!! I Hate Being Labled Either Way But I Guess I Just Have To Deal With that. Neways. I hope That Helped Some.

Answer #23

well a emo is a emotional person who has usually dark hair with some bright colors and tight jeans and like wear cute pins, bows or ribbons.

Answer #24

well emo basically means “emo”tional..they usually wear lots of black eyeliner and wear ther bangs at angle across one of ther eyes. they wear tight clothing and dark clothing..not gothic [thats completely diff.]..most emo people listen to music like panic at the disco and hawthorne heights and they cut ther wrists..if u need to know any more juss let me know..i know a lot about this subject

Answer #25

A scene kid is basically like emo kids.. They were really tight, dark clothing and lots of eyeliner and make up and stuff. Also, scene kids wear “bandanas”.. Thoose black bandanas are sometimes wrapped around their wrist, or across their faces like bandits, or they are hung out of somebody’s back pocket in their jeans.

Answer #26

I’m not sure but I think scene is a strong mix of emo and prep people who are fun, vine, and happy like preps but love crazy awsome music,are creative, and where dark makeup like emos? correct me if I’m wrong. :/

Answer #27

wow. some people. does no one know what a scene is. I’m telling you through my own experiences, some of the poele that posted on here my have bad brain problems, I am what they classify ‘scene’ and its nothing like a prepy emo. being scene, is not a stage it’s a life choice.

Answer #28

scene kid: a person, or persons who are into a type of fashion,music,or lifestyle for the look and or music.

Answer #29

scene kid: a person, or persons who are into a type of fashion,music,or lifestyle for the look and or music, Not really caring what it is truly about and just doing it because its the cool thing to do.

Answer #30

rawrr,,, lawlz. hilarious,, I mean I’ve known what “scene” means since I was like what? wight,,, roflcakes. anywho,,, good luck w/ that ^.^ xxIzzyxxCurbstompxx

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