What would you do if today was the last day of your life?

What would you do if today was the last day of your life?

Party? Enjoy? Or join a religious group so that lucifeer doesnt personally come up to escort you down to hell!!

Answer #1

I would have as much fun as possible and get super wasted

Answer #2

Make arrangements for the care of my dog after I’m gone…then spend the rest of it with hubby and sisters…


Answer #3

For alll you know you could die tomarrow. not many people realize that in a blink of an eye something truely bad could happen. I mean im only 17 I know I dont know much as other people but I know what its like to get in a really bad accident and wake up in and ambulence with my best friend screaming next to me in pain and all I could think about is it was my fault I was the driver. I’ve been through to much in my life to make a big deal over every thing that comes my way, but that day gave me a reality check, I forgive people for things they said or done no matter how badly they hurt me because you know what I could of died that day or I could of killed the two people a turely cared about and never would of had a chance to tell them how much they truely meant to me. so if I was to die tomarrow I would want to let people I care about know that I love them, and no matter what I would do anything for them, and 4 the 2 in the accident im sorry I was to busy jokin around to pay attention to the road, and im truly sorrry

Answer #4

I would say bye to my friends, admit things that I’ve done wrong to the people I’ve done the wrong to, tell the girl that I’m interested in that I regret never admitting it to her, close this account, take all my money out of the bank and give it to Salvation Army or a similar organization, clean the junk that I don’t want anyone to see out from my room, and then I think I’d die.

Answer #5

What would I do if today was the last day of my life? Firstly, I would gather all my closest friends and family. Secondly, I’ll get the first plane and fly to a country, doesn’t matter which one. Hopefully, it’d be a country I’m not used to and never been before. There we’ll go sit in a restaurant (or maybe an igloo or a shepherd’s shed?) and we’ll drink coffee and have lots of fun. Furthermore, I’d say sorry to the ones I’ve hurt and give everyone a hug.

Answer #6

I would say my goodbyes to everyone, go out and have a great big supper all I could eat seafood- write a quick will. I don’t believe in lucifer or any other trappings of christianity, so I would prepare to greet death with strength and courage.

Answer #7

Since I’m already in a religious group, I’d hang out with people from Church. That’s what I’d cling to. Then, I’d have to say goodbye if I told everyone at church that its the last day of my life. That’s a scary thought. I wouldn’t party. I’m not much for partying unless if it were for good things.

Answer #8

I’d act like it was any other day. Because really, any day can be your last. And the world doesn’t revolve around me, when I’m gone it won’t stop spinning. So it’ll be just any regular day I suppose.

Answer #9

You’d be wisest to get right with God - eternity knocking.

Answer #10

I would cry because I just found out on Wednesday that I am pregnant

Answer #11

Have one big party with all the people I love :)

Answer #12

Id faking hardcore the day out, get ready to give god/satan or whatever an arse kickking

Answer #13

I like thsi question because just recently my high school just had two stundents die and one on life support at the hospital and I have been thinking about what they did before they left, one of the girls had a boyfriend and he wont even talk to and e one and walks with his head down, so I’d write a letter to everyone and any one who knew me weather or not we were great friends or aquantences tellin them that life was never perfect and that it hurts to lose someone but that its part of life and that I’m sorry if I ever hurt any ones feeling unintintionally or even purposly then I’d say why last good by to my ex Jason and try to make his life better before I die by getting him out of the hands of trouble and drugs. Then I’d tell my family how sorry I am about all the crap they have had to put through with me. I’d try to smile and make the best of what I had instead of having a symapathedic and depressing last part of my life, then I’d take my dog for one last walk, and tell everyone that I hope the remember the good things we went throughinstead of the bad. And how I want them to live like this hadn’t happend yeh thats pretty much what I would do instead of doing what I wanted I would focus on proper good byes

Answer #14

if today was my last day?? , well I would visit all my frenids. and then go to all the people whom I’ve done wrong to and then give my enemys a hug. tell my parents that eventhough they mess up sometimes and are odd, I wouldnt have it anny other way. hung and kiss my siblings and the hardest one would be saying goodbye to my girlfriend , it’s hard enough not seeing her for a week , let alone never again. but I would let her know that my heart has always been with her, and that she is the love of my life. and not one moment have I ever not felt unloved. and that im sorry we couldnt finish our life story together and that id miss everyone sooo much.

Answer #15

I’d write a will, tell my boyfriend how much he means to me and tell him that I still want him to find love somewhere in this world and wish for him to start a relationship with christ, I’d say goodbye to my parents and tell them how blessed I am to have them and thank them for always keeping their cool with me, I’d tell all my friends what an impact they’ve made in my life and I’d ask for forgiveness from all the friends that I’ve held gruges on due to our stupid problems, I’d say bye to family, clean up my room and give my clothes/stuffed animals/ jewelry (except my ring and necklace from boyfriend)..est and give it all away to charity, I’d pray to God to cleanse any sins I may still have and ask him to watch over the ones I love that I’m leaving here on earth.

wow…this was pretty deep (:

Answer #16

id close this site try to save the friendships that I lost bid farewell to my aquiantances at tcc central thank arika for the the happy times with her like holding that soft hand of her’s while playing red rover at out the door and take her on a date and spend the remainer of time being around my other crushes jasmene anna jordan whom I love dearly and spend the next life watching over them

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