What would you do?

if you were givin 30 days to live?

Answer #1

sit at home and do nothing. then go to sleep when the world is about to end…

haha wow im a loser… lol id probably what to do some of the things that magichalo1 said ;)

Answer #2

well I would how fun say goodbye to my family and friends do all the things I what 2 do I well cry tell my sister I dont hate her I love her and all and I would tell the one I like that I like him or something like that and I would not sleep a lot and have sex I would do a lot I guess…

Answer #3

Have a Blast! have you seen the “Bucket List” well I know it is about two older guys, but the concept can apply to all.

Take a trip Go see people you have always wanted to see See the mountains or the ocean Gamble Skydive Make love Dance Go Skying Eat everything you ever wanted to Laugh Cry Take walks Talk to strangers Don’t sleep anymore than you had to and LIVE all the days to the fullest!

Answer #4

I would PARTY!!! Go to Puerto-Rico Hang out with my bestiez Go to the beach Go bungee jumping Learn how to swim with dolphins…and then swim with them=] Go to Canada Chew a whole pack of gum Dye my hair PURPLE Go to Six Flags Get my nipples pierced=] hehehe And Anything else that comes to my mind!!! I could be sort of random sooo =}

Answer #5

I would sort things out for when I die. make letters, memories stuff like that. and of course have a party. and eat loads and loads. and shop and waste all my money buying things and then give them to my friends. and go and talk to all the people I love most in the world. and probably cry and then look forward to being at peace!! lol



Answer #6

Have a Blast! have you seen the “Bucket List” well I know it is about two older guys, but the concept can apply to all.

Take a trip Go see people you have always wanted to see See the mountains or the ocean Gamble Skydive Make love Dance Go Skateing Eat everything you ever wanted to Laugh Cry Take walks Talk to strangers Don’t sleep anymore than you had to and LIVE all the days to the fullest!

Answer #7

depends how your dying, doesn’t it? is this a ‘yeah your booked in to be put down on august 3rd at 2.51pm?’ then I would probably do similar things to lovetyleone…my kids are my life, and I would like to just have lots of money so we could do what ever we wanted to for the next 30 days…

lots of letter and hoomes movies for my kids would HAVE to be made!

Answer #8

every thing magichalo1 said and the last day I would do somthing so crazy like the guy on crank

Answer #9

just hang out with my friends. they are probably the most the important thing in my life

Answer #10

Do whatever I’m doing each day. which is anything & everything I’ve always wanted to do basically :)

Answer #11

Will wait for 30 days. Ofcourse all will do the same…

Answer #12

Why, I would travel all the way to Alaska just to see you! :) ((hug))

Answer #13


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