What would they do to me if I told them?

could I possibly get put in a mental hospital if I tell the school that I cut my personality changed big time I’m very disrespectful I’m starting to become anerxic because I dropped from 144 lbs to 120 I’m usually really depressed so I’m wondering what the school would do to me if I went and asked for help would they put me in a mental hospital or make me go to more consoling?

Answer #1

Your depression might also be responsible of the weight . Unless you are starving yourself. Then you are anorexic. But… The first step >> you already took it. You admit you do have a problem. I would not recommend going to a school counselor for self mutilating and anorexia can lead them to put you in a mental hospital while you wait to psychologically tested.

I would recommend to sit your parent(s) down and show them the scars and ask them to get you help from a psychologist/psychiatrist. If they dont do it then go to a school counselor.

And please whatever you do. Dont listen to lonelyladdy22. For she has a problem and apparently is not ready to admit it.

If you need anymore help ask me. I have been there done that and bought the t-shirt!!!

Answer #2

Depending on the school they could put you into a mental hospital for a while, not permantly, but for a while, thats what happend to this guy I knwo at my new school ( I moved) he told the school he cuts and was really depressed and shit, they took him out of school and into a mental hospital for about a month, but at my old school my bestfriend went for help cause she cut and what they did was have he talk to the school consiler everyday, and also helped pay for her to go see an actualy psychologist. So it depends on your school. But, I really think you SHOULD find help. Life doesnt have to be this way, its ment to be GOOD, thats why we only get one. Sometimes jsut talking to people helps, I know you dont know me but thats the point of thsi site right? If you need someone to talk to you can funmail me anytime and Ill do my best to help.

Best Wishes,

~Daydream Believer

Answer #3

you tell the counselor that you are seeking guidance and that you want to keep your situation confidential. they won’t send you in the mental hospital. if its a proper school, they should guide you to help you overcome. I know I’m a funadvice stranger, but if you want someone to talk to, you can always pm me. good luck!

Answer #4

Dont even have to tell your school…you could maybe ask a family member to find you a good counsellor…from my experience school counsellors arent all that great. If your cutting for attention…I advise you dont. (Not getting at you, I had a best friend who did that and people judged her for it rather than help her) depression sucks…I always try and do fun things or spend time with my friend who make me laugh and even when im depressed they manage to make me laugh if only for a few minutes…laughter cant cure but it sure can help:) x

Answer #5

dont cut yourself! im a 10 year old who has her parents devorcing living in the same house with my delusional grandmother who thinks she is handycapte! I hate my dads dog and the dog that was mine was sent away by my father! I loved her but no… so now I have to deal with their crap and my 4 year old siter cant even go to school because we are in so much poverty!! and I have postramonal stress syndrom because I might be geting my period!! now I might have a shitty life but I DONT cut myself and I DONT plan to!!

Answer #6

mikeh - Yes, what shes mentioned does fall under those catagories, anorexia, and self mutalation, can BOTH cause death, therefore they could, the school could also go to her parents/ gardians, and THEY could put her into one.

chef_raekwon - If someone is harming there self or others, they CANNOT keep in confidential. Now, if your just having feelings, other then sucidal feelings that can keep it confidential other wise no they cannot.

Answer #7

im 14 years old and I cut my wrists, and the school almost found out, because I always said that my dog did it, and they believed me… I still do.. for about 3 1/2 years… I am a VERY desrespectful person, and I am always depressed… if the school finds out that you are SELF-mutilating yourself then yes… they have the powen to send you to the mental hospital to get help that they think you need… I don’t know why they send you there… it is just like body art… like tattoos! it makes no sense… well… if you want to… feel free to message me… if you want to talk about something I am here, and I am all ears… I hope you do…

Answer #8

I think that you should talk to someone you trust about it. because I got verydepressed and they put me on medicine and its helped so much

Answer #9

You cannot be put into a mental hospital unless you committed a crime, are in danger of seriously injuring yourself or others, or you ask to be put there voluntarily. Nothing you’ve mentioned falls into those categories. If you go to your school counselors for help, they will likely put you in touch with therapists who can help you sort through these problems. You will be in no danger whatsoever of being locked up.

Answer #10

why do you want to go to a mental hospital??just go to a therapist or counseler..

Answer #11

they wouldnt put you in a mental hospital they would help you get through it.

Answer #12

No. They would advise you to a professonal counclear to help you. I hope you go to someone with this need.

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