What words would you use to describe yourself?

How would people describe you? What words would you use to best describe yourself? Use as many as you like!

Answer #1

The one word that most people would use to describe me is short. I’m 14 and 148ish cm (4 foot 8). I’m the shortest kid in class. I even know an 8 year old who’s taller than me! (Stupid genes). But I’m easygoing, fun, and optimistic.

Answer #2

I’m kind , polite and have learned to read between the lines - lol - great accomplishment to the last one

Answer #3

Observent (sp?) I like to watch people, helps me know them better and understand their ways. oh and random and optomistic (sp?)

what about you?

Answer #4

Most likely, people describe me as ( these are my friends) Wierd, random, optimistic, loud, funny(??? Don’t ask), smart( I am in acedemic extension in my school, but I think I must have cheated on the entrance exam), and clumsy. Very clumsy. But even more so than clumsy, loyal. And trust me, I am very clumsy. I would describe myself as… Impulsive, forgetful, and a perfectionist. Once I start something, if I finish it, it has to be absolutely perfect. If it gets finished at all. Britz.

Answer #5

One that pops up regularly with me is “weird”, (it’s popular with my flatmate), but I prefer the term “odd”.

Most people would probably describe me as impulsive, as I often change the subject abruptly for no apparent reason, and if I see something I like, or want, and I have the money, I buy it. My school reports have always said I’m ‘bubbly’, so I take that as a fine compliment!

Answer #6

I think people would describe me as:

trusting- I can keep a secret easy going- I work well under pressure nice- I generally like to help people and have a good attitude friendly- I’m from Texas and have that southern hospitality thing going on! creative- I love putting things together such as collages, interior design, etc.

I would describe myself as:

indulgent- there are a few things that I like to splurge on optimistic- I try to always keep a good attitude about things procrastinator- sometimes I just don’t want to do things I know need to get done open-minded- I can accept change

Answer #7

People always describe me full of the life and I think it’s suit me :)

what about you???

Answer #8

ying yang

Answer #9

I say shy one word she be it

Answer #10

shy, out going, athletic, right now sad

Answer #11

Fastidious(/??? Don’t ask - I also don’t understand Why) Lovely:Allmost the people I have ever seen like me. childish:I really like to play with kids,sometime I have a childish idea.

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