what word do you hate?

I absolutly hate the word urk (maybe it’s spelled ‘erk’, but it’s like when something annoys you) I hate it sooo much.

whats a word you hate?

Answer #1

I hate the name Miles… For personal reasons. unfortunately, when I hear “miles” used in everday language like: “I drove for MILES”, it makes me wanna throw a shoe at someone >.<

Other words:

  • Stinky
  • Yummy
  • Like (when used over and over again)
  • Pistachio
  • Vajayjay and Cooter (Please… stop naming body parts!)
Answer #2

I would go with the word “erk” as well. ALWAYS hated that word. I also hate when people say “I’m busy”. It’s so vague it just makes me mad lol. And “That’s hot” is annoying as well.

Hmm…I know once I post this I’ll think of like 100 more lol

Answer #3

Itz nt really a wrd, bt when people ryt like ths, why cnt thy pt in th efat 2 ryt ful wrds? But my most hated word…has to be common when it comes from a posh persons mouth. Example I was getting a drink the other day in a shop and someone was talking about meet and this snobby btch laughed and went “ooo nooo we’re not that common” I was like oh really, well how about you get that cucumber, slap it round your face and pss off out of morrisons…god I get so annyoed lmao

Answer #4

uhhh, dog,puppy,k9,

well im technacly sorta cat,so you can understand y

Answer #5

Vajayjay is a great word :O haha and where im from we cant help saying like over and over its like a sentence ender :P

Answer #6

The word “Neat” like “that’s neat” hate it! ikd why I just think it sounds so dumb

Answer #7

I hate the word w/e its like people dont care bout whut your saying…its soo annoying

Answer #8

that joke every1 thinks is funny / good call,,, ya mum ok its sooo old

Answer #9

I hate the words.. one nite stand… like whats the point one of yous are gunnah get hurt ..

Answer #10

I hate when people say “ It’s Scraight”!!!

Answer #11

I just hate when people say the word “omg” or “like” too often

Answer #12

ah this is wierd but I so agree with every word yall have mentioned!

Answer #13


Answer #14

the word fond like im very fond of that

Answer #15


Answer #16

Twilight Edward Bella …understand?

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