What will happen if we move in?

Me and my boyfriend started being good friends in like 9th grade. We always felt a connection but it was never the right time for us to be together. This past August was when we began talking and acting upon our feelings. We’ve been inseparable since about Novermber I’d say. I’ve never felt a love so strongly for someone, and I even rember before we we dating saying that I was going to marry him. We talk about being together for forever because it feels so right, all the love and support is amazing. We both need to move out of our houses and are lookijng at houses to move into together. Im 19 and he is 20. Is it too soon to take such a step? I know im super young and this will be my first time moving out, he has lived other places than home for like 4 years now. I just want to make sure its the right thing since its such a big step, and its the first person I’ve actually ever been committed too.

Answer #1

I live with my boyfriend who I’ve known since 2nd grade and im almost 20 now. If you really think it’ll work go for it :) I’ve never been happier. Good luck :)

Answer #2

If he is as great as you put it, then go for it, but always have a back up plan just in case. :)

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