What was your worst experience in life???

What was the worst experience of your life?? And how did it change you??

Answer #1

The worst experience in my life was in 2003 and my dad had a 4 wheeler wreck…he hasn’t walked or talked since…

I has changed me in so many ways

I know now to be careful when riding 4 wheelers and not to drink and drive…

Answer #2

Well you love racing so dont let anything stop you.

Answer #3

Exactly I just need to get back on my feet. Determination and a vision.

Answer #4

My one would probable be during a race (motorcycle racing). I was on the GSXR1000 (worth about 8 to 10 grand with about as much worth of race parts on it. Obviously, while you are in a race, you know that everybody else is too. Traffic flows one way. You don’t keep a 2 second distance. You know when the guy I front of you will brake (corner) and that will be very late, just enough so he makes it round the bend with knee on ground. So I was surprised when the guys I front of me stopped real fast during a corner. I plowed right into the back of him, mid corner. Both bikes were plain and simple right offs. Turns out his wheel wasn’t on properly.

I had saved up for that bike for a long time. So sad to see it there totally wrecked. Both of us ended out of it barely without a scratch (thank god for racing gear) so thats good at least. We coulda both just as easily been dead.

Heres what I lost: A Suzuki GSXR1000, Cuztom race exhaust Race fairings got cheap Power Commander Yoshi High performance race cams Yoshi Headers ) Ohlins Suspension setup Carbon Fibre Fairing inserts Carbon Fibre rear hugger and front guard.

The other guy had lost an Aprillia (Many more $$$) At least I could sell spare parts, his bike blew up when fuel sprayed everywhere from his tank and blew up. He left with nothing.

And yet to this day I wish to continue racing!

Answer #5

I’ve had quite a few traumatic experiences. However, I would have to say being raped at the age of 14. My boyfriend was 20 (yes, I know bad choice…but please don’t judge). His best friend was 26. Well, one night I wast my boyfriends after my abusive/alcoholic dad kicked me out. My boyfriend left to get something to eat and his best friend came in and raped me. I told my boyfriend and he acted all supportive and told me he would go with me to the police if I wanted. Later that night I awoke to him also holding me down and having sex with me and also trying to get me to perform oral sex. Well, I left the next day and a few days later told him I was going to report his best friend. He changed dramatically. I started getting death threats and it turns out his best friend gave him $20 to let him rape me.

This changed me in so many ways. I suffered from depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, and my eating disorder got worse. I even attempted suicide. However, I have since grown from it and it has made me a stronger and better person.

I am now 18 and found out the police never pursued the case adequately. When I had them reopen it I did go to his court trial in October 2009 even though it had been 4 years since it happened. That was one of the hardest things I have ever had to do, but I am thankful that I went.

Answer #6

My one would probable be during a race (motorcycle racing). I was on the GSXR1000 (worth about 8 to 10 grand with about as much worth of race parts on it. Obviously, while you are in a race, you know that everybody else is too. Traffic flows one way. You don’t keep a 2 second distance. You know when the guy I front of you will brake (corner) and that will be very late, just enough so he makes it round the bend with knee on ground. So I was surprised when the guys I front of me stopped real fast during a corner. I plowed right into the back of him, mid corner. Both bikes were plain and simple right offs. Turns out his wheel wasn’t on properly.

I had saved up for that bike for a long time. So sad to see it there totally wrecked. Both of us ended out of it barely without a scratch (thank god for racing gear) so thats good at least. We coulda both just as easily been dead.

Heres what I lost: A Suzuki GSXR1000, Cuztom race exhaust Race fairings got cheap Power Commander Yoshi High performance race cams Yoshi Headers ) Ohlins Suspension setup Carbon Fibre Fairing inserts Carbon Fibre rear hugger and front guard.

The other guy had lost an Aprillia (Many more $$$) At least I could sell spare parts, his bike blew up when fuel sprayed everywhere from his tank and blew up. He left with nothing.

And yet to this day I wish to continue racing!

Answer #7

My worst experience in life was being chubby…not even overweight; just a little above average. Everybody stuck up their those nose at me and made me feel mortified just because I wasn’t skinny like everybody else. Now that I’ve lost 60 pounds people say ‘Gosh you look like an anorexic-eat a big mac!’ or ‘When is the last time you’ve eaten?’ …and I realize now that whatever weight I am, people are still going to make fun at me just to be jerks! I know now that the only thing that matters is how I feel about myself and that I’m healthy. Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me. :)

To everyone out there you need to know that the only person you need to listen to about your appearance is yourself. Don’t feel bad if someone puts you down about your weight, or the way you dress, etc..just be yourself and that’s all that matters! I learned this the hard way in life!!

Answer #8

I have two one was when I was 13 my dad died it broke my heart really bad and im still healing from it now the 2nd has be when I was 16 I had my son be c-section well I came home he had to stay in the hospital for 10days because he had gotten e-coli how I have no idea but I came home to heal and get some rest when I woke up with fever-chills and cudnt breath…I told my mom and sis that I felt that I was guna die and to pls kiss and take good care of my son so my mom call 911 they came and took me to the hospital..when I got there they didnt know where to start with me they took my blood and my hemoglobin was 15% when it was supose to be 35% so they decided that they would keep my I had a really high fever that they cudnt get down they took all these test on my at one point they told my mom and boyfriend that all they cud do know was pray well I had to have two blood transfusions and I had a utarus(forgot how to spell.lol)infection it was horrible I thought I was guna die without ever having the chance to hold or even see my son grow up..

Answer #9

When I was 16, these guys took advantage of me. They made me do things I felt really uncomfortable with. At the time I had no choice, because they threatened to get their older friends to rape me. When they’d finished having their fun with me, they told everyone around their area that I was someone who loved giving guys everything they wanted. I tried to overdose myself that night, but I was stopped before it happened. I got the blame put on me for about three weeks. At the time, I would have been going on an outing, but they told me I couldn’t go because I’d disgraced myself. The truth came out three weeks later when I told my psychologist about it. I wanted to talk sooner, but I was scared that those guys would come looking for me. I wouldn’t have talked at all if I hadn’t been getting dirty looks from everyone who’d heard about it. I don’t think I’ll be able to have a relationship with a guy ever again.

Answer #10

Oh oh I have more, adding to the race crash… getting done for drink driving. Also parents splitting up. Also going through some serious depression.

Answer #11

The worst thing that happen’d to me was this summer when one of my best friends in the world had moved…and when they 1st started to sell pointfest tickets, by the 2nd day they were sold out and now I am going to miss A7X, Bullet 4 my valentine, shinedown, saving abel, ludo.and about 20 others on seopt. 20! And something that changed my life was when my grandma died the night in the hospital on the first day of school…just when I thought things couldn’t get any worse than school did, I ended up loosing someone who was there for me when my mom or dad wasn’t! Someone who had been taking care of me since I was 9! We live at her house and after we got rid of some of the things we really didn’t need, things just havn’t been the same…but at least she is in a better place now, with my grandpa, her sisters, and without lung disease!

Answer #12

One day I came home and my sister-in-law told me that my wife died that morning. There was no warning, she just died.

I thought my sister-in-law was joking and I kept looking at her husband waiting for him to tell me where my wife really was… like maybe she’s in the hospital or something but not this…

I cried everyday for months.

Love on your spouse, you never know…

Answer #13

I would have to say my worst experience has also been my best experience which was moving a couple years ago. For 10 years I went to a catholic school and grew up with the same people so I had the same group of friends my whole life then I got the news that I was moving. Once I moved I started a high school that was a lot larger than I was used to I didn’t know anyone. I lost all of my friends that I grew up with because of moving. It was a very hard time but also made me a lot stronger person than I was it made me come out of my shyness and talk to new people and gain new friends. I still miss my old neighborhood but I’ve gotten a lot used to it here.

Answer #14

The better experience was my best learning experience so far… “I learned that fighting for truth is always very tough for fighting against truth” Also I learned never try to change anybody whatever he/she is doing

I got slapped in my office in front of office being telling the truth of its life to the person. And I learned that friends become enemies in a moment when they are faced with dangers or truth, they simply kneel down for lust.

Answer #15

My worst moment was when my huband died at the age of 40. I was in a living nightmare for at least 6 months. My whole world crumbled and I wanted to die. I didn’t think I would ever get over it but I have and it has made me a much stronger person. I am now much more spontaneous as I realise life can be snatchew away from you at any given moment

Answer #16

I was very excited to get a call from GE. I know I am not a smart aleck and the opportunity to work with one of the biggest companies excited me. The interview was scheduled for the next day and I was told it can’t be rescheduled as one of the main interviewers was leaving for US that very day.

But it was my engagement at Agra the next day! Anyways, I and my soon-to-be-husband lived in Delhi and decided that he would drive me to the interview in the morning and from there, we would go to Agra - a three hour journey from Delhi. The GE office was outside the city - with no shops, restaurants, or even trees for a shade and it was scorching summers of India. The temperature was around 48 degree Centigrade.

So, when I entered my name in the visitor’s register, I requested the guard to let my fiancee sit at the reception until I finish with the test. He agreed and let him go inside.

I had cleared first round of written interview and was given the second paper. I was half through it, when one of the security personnel came asking for me. Apparently, the security officer at GE had been rude to my fiancee about slipping into the office without permission and was threatening to send him to jail.

Not in best of the moods because of false allegations (and not very sophisticated with use of words, I admit), my fiancee told him that he was a respected journalist and had maintained all propriety on his side by taking the permission of the staff at the gate. He should go and question his security guard why he let him enter the gates, if it wasn’t allowed. In reply, he was asked to show his press card, which he didn’t have at the time and so, he was ridiculed and made fun of.

Anyways, when I came down, I was told that we will both be reported to police for entering the premises in the unauthorized manner in a very rude manner, which we certainly did not deserve. Mind, it was our engagement that evening. I did not want any hassles or get delayed for it! So, I agreed to sign an apology letter presented by them and pursued my fiancee to do so too.

I was told to get out of the building immediately along with my fiancee. I was hurt and had a keen sense of being insulted for no reason. The story doesn’t end here. When I joined my office two days later, the supervisor called me and started shouting at me about going for an interview at GE with a ‘boy’!? and misbehaving there. They said a call from the police station had come to the office stating that I had gone there with a boy and had damaged property and created a scene in the premises.

I was confused and angry. We went to the police station in the area and they told us that they made no such call. In fact, they had no idea of any case registered against us. So, we searched for the personal number of the security officer who had made us write the apology letter and talked to him. He said that he had no idea where the call came from.

When we suggested that only someone from his staff could have access to my resume and sought number of my office from there, he said that we were being absolutely unreasonable. My reputation in the office was of course hit and I became butt of all jokes at the time which was supposed to be the best time for me. The experience has made an indelible impression on my mind.

Answer #17

I was very excited to get a call from GE. I know I am not a smart aleck and the opportunity to work with one of the biggest companies excited me. The interview was scheduled for the next day and I was told it can’t be rescheduled as one of the main interviewers was leaving for US that very day.

But it was my engagement at Agra the next day! Anyways, I and my soon-to-be-husband lived in Delhi and decided that he would drive me to the interview in the morning and from there, we would go to Agra - a three hour journey from Delhi. The GE office was outside the city - with no shops, restaurants, or even trees for a shade and it was scorching summers of India. The temperature was around 48 degree Centigrade.

So, when I entered my name in the visitor’s register, I requested the guard to let my fiancee sit at the reception until I finish with the test. He agreed and let him go inside.

I had cleared first round of written interview and was given the second paper. I was half through it, when one of the security personnel came asking for me. Apparently, the security officer at GE had been rude to my fiancee about slipping into the office without permission and was threatening to send him to jail.

Not in best of the moods because of false allegations (and not very sophisticated with use of words, I admit), my fiancee told him that he was a respected journalist and had maintained all propriety on his side by taking the permission of the staff at the gate. He should go and question his security guard why he let him enter the gates, if it wasn’t allowed. In reply, he was asked to show his press card, which he didn’t have at the time and so, he was ridiculed and made fun of.

Anyways, when I came down, I was told that we will both be reported to police for entering the premises in the unauthorized manner in a very rude manner, which we certainly did not deserve. Mind, it was our engagement that evening. I did not want any hassles or get delayed for it! So, I agreed to sign an apology letter presented by them and pursued my fiancee to do so too.

I was told to get out of the building immediately along with my fiancee. I was hurt and had a keen sense of being insulted for no reason. The story doesn’t end here. When I joined my office two days later, the supervisor called me and started shouting at me about going for an interview at GE with a ‘boy’!? and misbehaving there. They said a call from the police station had come to the office stating that I had gone there with a boy and had damaged property and created a scene in the premises.

I was confused and angry. We went to the police station in the area and they told us that they made no such call. In fact, they had no idea of any case registered against us. So, we searched for the personal number of the security officer who had made us write the apology letter and talked to him. He said that he had no idea where the call came from.

When we suggested that only someone from his staff could have access to my resume and sought number of my office from there, he said that we were being absolutely unreasonable. My reputation in the office was of course hit and I became butt of all jokes at the time which was supposed to be the best time for me. The experience has made an indelible impression on my mind.

Answer #18

being bullied with violence every day for 3-4 years… I’m not sad though… i really didn’t care…. some people just are retards… I seriously believe they were sick somehow as they showed symptoms of both ASPD and inferiority complex… I think they just hated me because i was smarter then them, don’t get me wrong im not bragging… Im just smart and i don’t think it makes me better then anyone else… They also only bullied the weak and the ones that were better then them at something….

Answer #19

btw im 16 and it happened when i was like 8-11 or 12

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