What was the last thing you...

What was the last thing you… Ate- Lays Original Chips w/ cheese sauce SHow you watched- Blades Of Glory Last time you slept- Um about quarter to 11 htought of- makign this question Person you loved- Max place you travelled- LOL I walk places Would expect from an astronaut- A Gravi-tashious- dougnut would say to a drive through clerk- I would like you to go please.

Answer #1

Ate: A toffee pop biscuit Watched: Blade Runner Slept: 12 hours ago Thought of: what time I have work tomorrow Person I loved: I love too many people Place I traveled: New Zealand or the Eurospar down the road Expect from an Astronaut: a range of patriotic my little ponies You would say to a drive through clerk: Those are some spiffy threads you’re sporting

Answer #2

ate- meatballs :) show- Juno Slept- woke up at 8 this morning. thought of- the last time I slept person I love- myself :D place I traveled- Arizona. or my friends house depending on what your talking about. Astronaut- I’m honestly not sure. Drive through clerk- Fries and a milkshake please

Answer #3

Ate: A blueberry scone Watched: prom night Slept:43 hours ago Thought of : Studying for my bio 30 quiz Person I loved: Don’t have one don’t need one Place I traveled:across the street Expect from a Astronaut: nothing You would say to a dribe through clerk: I really love a man in uniform

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