What type of oils and moisutre am I looking for nappy hair?

What type of oils and moisutre am I looking for nappy hair?

Answer #1

“Don’t be too dependent with using oil moisturizers. They clog up your pores, and the contain chemicals (like fragrances) that tend to dry out your head. Oil moisturizers are a good quick fix, if you forgot to oil or tie up your hair the night before. But don’t rely on them. A good leave-in conditioner is better to have.

Another good tip is using a rosemary rinse every other week, can help prevent you developing dandruff.Try to avoid petroleum base or Vaseline base hair food products. They actually block your pores… which is something you don’t want.”

Source: http://naturalnaps.blogspot.com/2007/07/nappy-hair-care.html

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