what type of music annoys you?

what type of music annoys you?

Answer #1

disney channel music. ew.

Answer #2

eh, my cousin typed the latest post .__.

Answer #3

hmmm …

disney channel music =| makes me want to shoot myself xD

and u.k garage music is abit annoying

Answer #4

o my gosh she sings horrible have you heard her domb song “you are a true friend”

Answer #5

MOST of disney’s songs. #&$Y^$(@*& I enjoy metal :D

Answer #6

sugar pop music annoys the daylight out of me.

give me eminem, 50 cents, slipknot etc love themmm

Answer #7

umm…I generally enjoy all types of music. lol. ^_^. but rap is hard to understand…

Answer #8

Drum and bass Ugh It actually makes me want to hit my head against a wall

Answer #9

Rap, country, hip hop, r&b, classical not classic rock… I mean classical as in opera and sht, pop, disney/high school musical st, Jazz, and everything along those lines.

Answer #10

disney channel music, I ahd to look after my baby cousin (I call her that but shes 7) and she was watching some disney bullcrap, I just wanted to throw summin at the tv to shut it up. Disneyland aint that bad though, I mustsay some ofte rides are quite good, especially SpaceMountain mission 2. also jazz, that really angry shouting music and old pop, and new pop

Answer #11

some 80’s music… and some inevitable music that I hear like whenever I call my bank, any airline company or booking hotel or reserving for a dinner on a restaurant over the phone, there are these music played while I’m on hold, like… What the heck?!

Answer #12

Country and Disney Channel music, Disney Channel music pisses me off. I don’t know why but whenever I hear something from disney channel I wanna punch somone in the face O.o

Answer #13

not if you count Arabic music D’’’ ; effin ANNOYING!

Answer #14

disney channel music…YUCKKK!!! SEROIUSLY!!!SOMEONE OFF THAT TV!!!

Answer #15

Country, heavy metal, hard rock, oldies, and Soulja Boy - god I hate them!

Answer #16

Monk Ministry music, I find it paralyzing, but in a bad way.

Answer #17

RAP! hate it so MUCH!!! I hope every single rapper DIES!!!

Answer #18

Screamo - absolutely no talent and just annoying.

Answer #19

JAZZ, and repetative songs D:<

Answer #20

disney channel music fer sure. And songs that have no point like getting girls and money. ugh so stupid

Answer #21

jazz annoys me especially in the elevators its so boring

Answer #22

Country, Bluegrass, Classical, some Hip Hop, Disney Channel music.

Answer #23


Answer #24

Disney Channel Music, Some rap, and screamo. xP

Answer #25

Most popular music that includes this digusting “pop rap” we have now. It isn’t good at all. I like actual rap music like Mos Def. People who don’t rap about their rims and how many “btches they have… yea.

I ALSO HATE ANYTHING BY miley cryus or is it hannah montana(They are the same person yet she has tours w the both of them… her?)\ disney channel music in general.

And I hate hate hate when bands I knew about years ago “make it big” on Z100 or something ad everyone is like “ OMG I LOVE SO AND SO” and its like… eh no you don’t you just heard about them yesterday, I’ve been listening to them since I was 13.

also I’m getting really really sick of screamo. Like their are some screamo bands who are good and meaningful, but then their are some who just are with this new gimmick and its like JUST STOP your NOT SINGING\ SCREAMING ABOUT ANYTHING.

Answer #26

er, nothing much really. I don’t really mind any kind of music. but if you’re talking about music preferences I usually listen to more metal core songs. pop/rap, not quite my type.

Answer #27

oh yeahh

and idiot europop

cant stand it … spesh when the eurovision song contest is on xD

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