What do I think now?

So after me and ex were over and trying to forget about him, I started dating his cousin. Bad Idea. Well it was going good and all with me and his cousin but then him and my ex were hanging out and yeah I knew they would but w/e… Last night he told me he didn’t want a girlfriend right now but he still wanted to be friends… and I said you didn’t have to date me… And he looked the other way… and kinda just blew it off. I said I didn’t want it to be weird around me and him.. and he said he didn’t want that. but yeah I keep seeing him every where. I dunno if I like him a lot I don’t know what to think really… I still like my ex.. but I dunno he was laughing about it last night and he just kept on looking at me. I told his new girlfriend that he cheats cause he told her he doesn’t. well that’s bullshit… but yeah I dunno what to do… what should I do…? I feel like I’m hiding everything from everyone. I use to show how I felt but not anymore… Help me please…

Answer #1

Know how that goes even though u might still like him and have to see him with his new gf just blow it off like its nothing yeah it will be hard but thats what ur friends are for. By the way who is his new gf??? well anyways just do what u told me to do when he comed around just act like ur having such a good time and u dont even notice him.

Answer #2

Sounds like you only went out with his cousin to keep in contact with him and still be able to see him, and dont lie about people it will come back and bite you in the ass…just give it some time and see what happens.

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