What to talk about with my boyfriend?

We have been together for 4 months and we really like eachother but lately our converstations have been dry. Any advice what to talk about? Btw it’s a long distance relationship . :) thanks

Answer #1

me and my boyfriend usually have a lot to say but I spose we are very talkative people and well if you have been together for four months on a long distance realtionship then you must really love eachother so convo should come naturally but even the best couples get stuck on what to tlk about sometimes so try to tlk bout common things like what you like to do and wats happend lately also tlk bout what you hve in common guys love it when you have the same intrests as them espeially, umm you could try tlk about random thigns or even usually when your stuck on what to say.. make a point of it then it usually leads into a conversation, I suppose yeh thats all I have, I hope I was of some help I’ve never been in a long distance relationship I spose so im not that experienced with those kinds of relationships ahah but yeh I hope you and your man lastt.. ok good lukk

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