What to talk about?

Hey guys i just have a simple question. Why is it that when im around the girl i like i cant think of anything to say..im a little nurvous but i can never think of a good topic..i worry about if the thing i might say is too stupid. what are some main easy topics to bring up because when we find a topic its normal..we just talk..so yeah thanks!


Answer #1

the weather! lol not really! i find that if your at school together then just talk about somthing you both do, teachers you hate, subjects you take etc or just say the first thing that pops into your head! cause you never know, that girl might find it funny or interesting! its important that they know what your truly like, and doing that is the best way!

Answer #2

Ask her questions. Whatever she answers, act like you’re really interested and ask a follow-up question. She’ll think you’re a good conversationalist.

Answer #3

Remember that if you’ve got a good connection with this girl, you probably don’t need to try too hard. And if you really like her, you probably won’t have to pretend to be interested in what she’s saying. If you’ve got similar classes, or even really different classes, talk about them. Music or movies or anything you’re interested in, see what she thinks about it. If you ask questions (but also contribute what YOU think) then it’ll be easier to get to know her better. Just don’t force it and try to remember that if you really like her, she’s probably not the type who will judge you if you say something stupid (we all do it.) Good luck!

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