What to do when shaved down below?

Oh please someone help me im panicing.. I shaved down below just around my private area so it would not be awkward for a boy to reach if you know what I mean? And I used conditioner(can be used other than shaving cream) and now there is stubble and there is small red lumps..I really dont know what to do help me:( will it grow back twice as bad ?:(

Answer #1

You’ll be fine…

Answer #2

when I shave I get the same thing. its normal. its also normal how much your panicing. I went to a DR thats how scared I was! I thought I done something wrong. but its perfectly normal. when it starts to grow, it will (if its like mine) probably have ingrown hairs. just shave again ina couple days. thats what I do. hope I helped,.

Answer #3

If you don;t want to continue shaving just stop and it will grow and all will be fine, just give it a few days. If your really concerend you can go buy a creme at the grocer for razor burn/razor bumps (Usually in the mens isle by razors and shaving creme) If you do want to continue shaving a trick I learned from my friends in the porn industry is Ibuprofen. Take a tablet (No covered or gel caps just the plain white pill) and then get it a little wet so it turns into a paste and after shaving rub the paste on, let sit for a few and then wash off. No bumbs and a nice porn like shave.

Answer #4

it will grow back.. just don’t put anything on it.. and the red bumbs are normal theyll go away 2

Answer #5

But I really dont want to have to keep shaving :(

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