What to do when all my friends are crushing on the ssame guy?

o.k so my best friend really likes this guy, then my other friend likes him too. buuut then we found out that he really likes one of my other friends but she has a boyfriend. but its one of those relationships where I cant keep up if theyre together or not. then the other day my best friend(the one that really likes him) told me that the other friend(the one that the guy likes) finally said after much flirting that she likes him!(only a little tho because she has a boyfriend) now I dont know what to do! Heres another prob! my best friend(the one that really likes him) came into school last week with like 3 hickeys!p.s. the best friend tells the guy that she likes him all the time! Now I need advice on help with this, and I never had a boyfriend and theyre all crying that noone likes them! that makes me so mad because no guy ver liked me because im fat and ugly! now so im like great, my friends all like the same guy and thyre always saying stuff to me behind eachothers backs, and telling me how cute this guy is and how funny he is and all this and now im starting to like him(barely tho) help! p.s. its not like I can like some other guy because there are 9 kids in my grade and besides him and my best guy friend theyre all pretty retarted!!! Help!

Answer #1

this should be a soap opera lol just saying but really let them handle things themselfs dont get involve but what you could do if you do need to get involved is to have all your friends together in one place at once and talk about the issue just tell them if ruining their friends for a dumb boy is worth it then go for it but if they really cared about one another they would leave thee boy aloneā€¦ plus that guy is just playing all of them because if hes talking to all of them and telling each of them he really likes them then hes just a player trying to find a game

Answer #2

whoa karina chick getting them al together might be a bad idea because you never know they could get in a fight when they all start talking bout how they all like the same guy.

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