what to do on friday?pleazzze help!

I have school 2morrow and I when I come home I have nothing to do.what could I do on a Friday?I really need to do something to do.please help me.I already know about going on different websites and going to a friends house and going outside.what else is there to do?

Answer #1

weee all going to the movies today.me,jameil,marqice,aaron,jae’,maonica,anika,janalice and kamira.we alll want you to come but you say no1lol.

Answer #2

Hm, not prank calling… Its just not fun at all.. Unless you actually talk to them and don’t hang up. :D

I like walking around in a park. Especially late at night. (: By Myself. And be quiet. (: lol Or, if your with a friend it’s fun to be loud and crazy. :D But, day time… I usually sleep, eat and go on Myspace. :)

Hope I helped. :D

Answer #3

go and see unborn like I might do or I might go on saturday

Answer #4

spoil yourself. watch your favorit dvd find a snack you like and just be lazy :)

Answer #5

hahaha prank calling! go see the new movie that comes out 2maro its called the unborn I wanna c it sooo much! Call some friends and have them go out to dinner or the movie wit u! I don’t know there is a lot of things you could do tho!

Answer #6

Skating, movie with friends, or movie at home, eat sleep and chill like I do…haha.LOL!. GET ON MYSPACE LIKE I DO OR CALL RANDOM PEOPLE FOR FUN..(([[[PRANK CALLING]]]))

Answer #7

go to the mall wit your friends, go to a movie, go out to eat or just get a job!!!

Answer #8

Um go to a movie, scating do community hours get a job etc

Answer #9

thanx everyone!

Answer #10

I agree with the prank calling :) thts what I do when im boreddd!

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