What to do now?

If you have read my last question,you’ll know what I’m talking about..Jerick asked me out on Tuesday.I really like him,but my two best friends ever are really jealous.Yesterday at school,Jerick got me this really pretty white flower.My friend Rachel,who was sitting next to me,started laughing and couldn’t stop.But later,I was talking to her on the phone,and she said that she started to cry because she was so jealous.I know that she likes Jerick,and so does my other friend Michela.I pointed Jerick out to her one day in the hall like two weeks ago.She whipped around and said OMG he’s hot!!!And now she likes him,when she doesn’t even know his last name AND she has a boyfriend already.When I told her in art one day,she said “A guy like him could have any girl in the school…” She might as well have screamed “and he picked YOU” I don’t know what to do!!! My best friends are jealous of my new relationship while the ones that they’re in are falling apart.I don’t want them to be jealous,but I want to stay with Jerick WHAT DO I DO!!!

Answer #1

if they were real friends they won’t do any thing behind you’re back so if you dont trust them tell them to back off

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