What to do if my mom dosent want me?

What to do if my mom dosent want me cause she hates me and doesnt care for me

Answer #1

Maybe a little more info would be helpful:)

Answer #2

We feel that our moms sometimes doesnt love us but deep down inside she really does love!! She is your mom and she will always love you! But can you give more details on why you feel this way and can help us understand more!

Answer #3

That’s not true. Your mom is your MOM. She kept you safe all these years, gave birth to you, etc. How could she ever detest you?

Answer #4

what has she done to make you think she hates you? maybe if you could tell us some more details about you and her, we could help more.

Answer #5

I’m sure your mother loves you. Maybe she’s worried and upset so it seems like she doesn’t want you. Or she doesn’t know how to deal with her anger. Sometimes the people that love us the most hurt us the most because we open ourselves up to them. There were times when I was still living with my parents when I used to think they hated me and wanted to get rid of me…it’s hard when you’re young…no…it’s hard no matter what age you are. There is always going to be problems in life but without the bad we wouldn’t be able to recognize the good. Maybe you two just need to get away from each other for a little while…go stay at a friends house. Or tell you Mom how she makes you feel..but don’t approach her when you two are fighting. Wait for a calm time and go say, “Mom, sometimes I feel as though…”. Try not to blame or accuse her of anything or it might put her on the defense. Then maybe you could think of something funny to help both of you when you’re fighting. When I was younger and my Mom and I used to fight, one of us would go get a shoe and hand it to the other person…it would make us laugh. But the hard part is being the one to go get the shoe, because sometimes when you’re mad you just want to be mad for a while. I hope everything goes well with you and your Mother…look for the good things in life and concentrate on those during the hard times :)

Answer #6

Well you may feel that way, but you know what you must have done something and just that feel that way.

Now if she is really not caring for you, in other words neglading you call cps

Answer #7

I know how you feal. Some people just don’t feall love. maybe your mom’d evil. I know mine is. You’ve just got to wait it out till your 18. Than you can completely ignore her, cus her out, never help her in old age and watch her die slowly and laugh. if what I just said made you think I was crazy and that you would never do that it’s a good sighn. Maybe she isn’t showing or fealing that she loves you. But you must love her. So start with that, tell her you love her even if she does something that you don’t like. Than if she says it back, she loves you.

Answer #8

You become your own mom. Nobody can love you the way you can. Look on the bright side, you will develop your independence early. The sooner you are able to love yourself, the sooner you can give that love to someone else. There are millions of people in the world. They can love you.

Answer #9

thats totalky not true she loves u if she doesnt want u she would have gotton rid of u a long time ago

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