How to catch his attention?

Ok I been talkin to this boy for 3yrs and I have deep and strong feelings for him…we have sex and I give him money when he needs it but I really dont know what to do because I really wanna have his kid( and im 21 bout 2 be 22 and the same for him) and he be tellin me that if he wants a kid he make me 1 since he knew me longer and he constantly says that even when get into an arguement( and I dont go out with him) but I sometimes catch him talkin 2 other girls behind my back and I ask him what im doin wrong for him 2 do that and he told me everythang im trying to see how I could get him to be my b/f can someone help me

Answer #1

You’re doing the exact opposite of what you should be. 1: He’s talking to other girls behind your back. Personally, I don’t get this one. What’s wrong with him talking to girls? Are you possesive? Or is he saying things that bother you or being overly friendly with these girls? Either way, it bothers you that he does this. 2: HE TELLS YOU THAT YOURE DOING EVERYTHING WRONG. Right there should be a big flashing sign for you. Why the hell would you want to have a baby with a guy who says you do everything wrong, and does things that make you feel uncomfortable? There’s 6 billion people on this planet. Even if half of them are guys, and half of those are guys your age, and half of those are actually good looking, and half of those are guys who don’t do things that bother you, and half of those are actually gonna be able to provide for you and your children… that’s over 187,000,000 guys out there for you. The point is, don’t settle. If he’s not perfect in your eyes, and he does anything that doesn’t make you feel good, get rid of him. He’s not worth it.

Answer #2

im sure you can do better, boys are such dick’s at times, untill you find that special guy. :D I agree with paradox. you can do better . he ante worth it. all the best :) x

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