What to do about a guy who suddenly became unattached?

Okay heres the deal, I need help, with a guy. Im a girl I can only understand them so much. So long story short my boyfriend wasnt talking to me and was becoming very distant and fell asleep on conversations when we accually talked about what was going on. Finally I couldnt take it anymore and now he wont talk to me at all unless I start the conversation. He said the reason he was being distant was he was “starstruck” (what does that mean exactly?) over a girl who was flirting with him. Sadly, I still love him and I want him to open up for me and love me still. (he says he still loves me) but he just wont talk and explain things like he usto. Plase help. Yes I am just anouther teenager. But we all need a little help(: thanks all!

Answer #1

Guys can be jerks. Seriously. I’ve seen guys do this same thing over and over again. It is, to them, an easy way out of breaking up with you. Deep down, he’s probably hoping that you’ll get fed up with what he’s doing and break up with him first because he doesn’t have the guts to do it himself.

It’s spineless, it’s thoughtless, it’s cruel, and it’s juvenile. Dump him, drop all communication with him, and move on. He’ll probably come crawling back to you, but don’t let him: he’s already shown you what kind of guy he really is, and you deserve better than that.

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