What to do

My girlfriend is amazeinglee clingy like we are never less than a 2 feet away from each other shes always hugs me like constantly and I love it but my friends always tell me that its stupid to have her with me all the time but I dont think I could live without her so what should I tell my friends

Answer #1

FKK. YOU. shes my bbii. not yours so screw off if thats how you feeel

Answer #2

to F off b/c they have no respect for relationships or for your girl because thats them tellin you that one day when their married their gunna lie about where they are at all times to their wife and there reali hangin out…

and pretty much they are callin you stupid…

or you can tell them that “ you obviously dont know meh”

Answer #3

Tell your friends it’s none of their business what they think about how you have your relationships. It’s obvious you love her and don’t loost her over your friends being stupid. If you like it then thats perfectly fine.. if you don’t have a talk with her. but don’t let your friends mess up your relationship.

Answer #4

Thats right they need to respect my girlfriend I dont care if they dont respect me but they should respect her more cause shes a girl

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