what to do?

it bothers me that my boyfriend may have slept with his ex when they went out… what should I do?

Answer #1

theres nothing you can do about it… trust me that would be in my head too, I always think of is he comparing me to her.. etc..

hate it, but theres nothing you can do so0o just leave it as it is

Answer #2

the past is the past…as long as he didnt sleep with her while he was wit you then dont worry about it try asking him

Answer #3

if he slept with her while you two were NOT going out then it really shouldnt concern you because you wernt involved with him and its not really any of your buisness but if it happened when you two WERE going out then he cheated on you but to find out when and even if he cheated on you youll need to ask him and talk to him about what you beleive he did

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