Should I let myself like him again?

So there’s a guy that I used to have something going on with. We go to different schools but it is easy enough to see him when we wanted. We got on great, we just clicked straight away after being introduced by mutual friends. Things changed and we ended up just friends. He started seeing this girl from his school but ended up only being ‘together’ not girlfriend/boyfriend stuff. I got a new boyfriend and things didn’t go so well there and ended after only 2 weeks of going out. all of a sudden one night i had a really good conversation with the guy i had previously had something going on with and then found out that him and this girl of his had been fighting. we have chatted for everyday since like back in the days when we were crushing we were even bringing up old personal jokes it was awesome. Last night I asked how he and his girl were and if they had sorted things out yet and he replied saying that he wasn’t sure he wanted to fix things. Later that night we were still chatting and he was being silly trying to spell my last name, as it’s a hard name to spell, and after about 15 goes at it he got it right.

ME: aww you finally got it right sir Watson* (Watson’s his last name)

HIM: well I do my best for you…queen Harriet* (Harriet’s my name)

ME: Queen?…can’t be as I have no king

HIM: Well maybe it will be me one day :O

I know I’m going to end up liking him again. What should I do? I don’t want a boyfriend but I wanted something like what he and this other girl had.

thanks xx

Answer #1

Sounds like you have something good going there. I say don’t throw it away for no reason. The best relationships are when two people are friends first and lovers second. The reason we want to be with someone special is companionship. If it is only a crush it will fall apart. I’m a guy and the best friend I ever had was a girl I grew up with. We are still friends but never could get along when we got to close romantically. I say go for it….. carefully. Colt

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