What color hair should I settle on?

I have really pale, greeny, bluey, grey eyes and I have had my hair dark brown, red, pinky orangey red (biggest mistake EVER) and blonde. The only natural colour I haven’t tried is black and i’m really scared that if I do it, it will be really crap and I will have to wait an uber long time for it to grown back out again. Any advice on what to do? Would be much appreciated.

Answer #1

Try a wash in-wash out but black is SO hard to get out of your hair if it’s done permantly and you’d have to bleach it at least twice to get any lighter colour then black. Personally I think a light hair colour would be better because if your eyes are pale then a dark colour might like swallow up your eyes but if you’ve tried blonde and dark brown then i guess you know best. If the dark brown looked good and better then the blonde then try black but if it didn’t I would stick with a light colour. Hope this helped hunni! Let me know! x

Answer #2

you should totally try it.

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