What to do??

How to ask your ex boy friend for a second chance in a relationship!! Because we dated 4 months and I realize I still love him!!!

Answer #1

I realize I still love him!!!>>Those are just YOUR feelings. If he felt the same way about you, he wouldnt be your ex! You need to move on from the past, and start living in the future!

Answer #2

tell him! that’s the only way..he can’t read your mind..lol

good luck!


Answer #3

hmm.. I broke up with my girlfriend about a month ago and we dated for about 3 months. and now I realize I still like her and she told me she still likes me and if she asks me for a second chance I would give it to her for sure. so ask yhur boyfriend he might still like yhu if he does then ask him for it.

make sure you don’t ask him for second chance like that.

first ask him if he still likes you. and then ask him would he ever want to date you again.


good luck :D

Answer #4

talk to him, I mean really talk to him, go out for lunch or something..dont beg tho-

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