What To Do

What do you do when your mom keeps treating you like an idiot?

Answer #1

she says she’s tired of my crap, but I dont know what crap shes talking about because she wont tell me!!!

Answer #2

talk to her about it try and find out the reasons why she treats you like that then tell her how you feel about it

Answer #3

Demonstrate to her you can be responsible and make good decisions.

Answer #4

I have been doing that though. I have been really responsible and have made really good decisions. I’m tired of her getting mad at me and me not knowing why!!!

Answer #5

but I’m not acting like one. I’m just doing what I do everyday and everyday I get yelled at for absolutely nothing. then she gets really mad at me and treats me like I’m 5

Answer #6

My dad treats me like an ediot, but I just ignore it. I know it gets to him but its just not worth getting hurt over it… though it does hurt emotionally. But he has been like this with me since I got an “F”… more like 2”F’s”. This is the first time I screwed up in school though.

Answer #7

I know how you feel..my mom does the SAME thing. Talk to her about it. My mom dosent listen to me..so I treat her like an idiot right back..

Answer #8

here’s where I get confused. I have tried to talk to her about it…many times. but she never sees my side of the story, and I try my best to see hers. and she can get pretty mean if I treat her like an idiot right back… it seems no matter what I say to her she gets pissed off or annoyed with me, and then rats on me to my dad to get him all mad at me too.

Answer #9

YIKES! That totally sounds like my dad… :( But do you even know the reason why she treats you like that?

Answer #10

see I know how you feel. because my mom does the same. I juss ignore her and role my eyes at herr. there are four of us (kids) and my oldest sister (18) graduated but dint go too college and my oldest brother (17) dropped out. but then there is me (14 freshmen in high school) making all a’s and b’s on the jv basketball team (extremly good thing) and really athletic and I do nothin wrong and get treated that wayy. and lastly my lil brother (11) who is failing 4 classes and he gets everything he wants and does everything possible too get on there nerves!! I hate it!!!

Answer #11

please dont let it hurt your feelings. I know she loves you very much and doesnt mean anything she tells you. she just needs to control her anger. trust me I am a mom and I act the same way sometimes with my son.yeah hes 6yrs old and does a lot of annoying things but when I go to bed at night I think of how I treated him and I feel so bad so I go to his bed and give him kisses and let him know that I love him very much.

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