What to do???

My boyfriends parents are seperated. He lives with his dad and step mom and his mom lives in arizona. He still talks to her too. But his dad and step mom are evil. I mean it. Theyre nasty to him. And his life is horrible here and school is bad for him.

I think it would be so much better for him if he moves in with his mom. Should I talk to him and tell him that I think that? Or do you think hes get mad? Id miss him like crazy and we really love each other and thats why I dont want to see him suffer anymore.

What should I do?

Answer #1

If you love him let him go. It sounds like he is in a really bad situation right now and would be best for him to go. If he loves you, he will wait until you two can be together. But for now, you have to think of what is best for him and him leaving is better.

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