What did I ever do to her?

Ok so here is the story my ex dumped me cause she said I was doing drugs (which I wasnt) she didnt beleve me so we got back together and she accused me of it again I finally said fu*k it and broke up with her. All my friends think I did the right thing but I dont im just tired of her accuseing me of that. And when we were dateing this guy started talking to her that she hates now after about a couple weeks there hanging out and with eachother all the time and she told me that she would never date him. But when I saw her today with him I got really jealous does this mean that im not over her yet?

Answer #1

Well if you still like her, and want to get back together with her, you could always tell her you’d take a drug test to prove your not doing drugs that would probably prove what she’s afraid of you doing…

Answer #2

Not necessarily, it’s never fun seeing someone you were dating moving on to someone new, especially if you dont have someone else. Doesnt necessarily mean you’re not over her. If you still want to get back together with her, that means you’re not over her…

Answer #3

Not realy you probly still have a little bit of fellings left for her … but it is normal when you see an ex with someone else it is normal to get a lil jealous

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