Why do guys pretend to like you?

Why do guys act like the really like you a lot and they really don’t

Answer #1

Okay why the h* would a boy telling he likes you and he really dosent it don’take no sense god guys no days

Answer #2

probably because he wants to get some… or he just thinks telling you he loves or likes you isn’t a big thing… on a scale from 1-10 a lot of guys think that stuff is like a 6… girls think it’s like a 11.

Answer #3

Guys use girls for sex and it sad because girls actually think they love them and it shows how ignorant girls are. Like guys in their teens are not ready to settle down and have a long term realtionship that a girl wants they want sex it’s common sense

Answer #4

In my school its like a zero for everyone but me. Friends say to each other all the time and they always get really hurt when I don’t say the same thing back or hesitant. The word just has so much more meaning for me. Maybe with this guy it’s a zero and he doesn’t think you would take it that way.

Answer #5

Why hate me. I don’t want sex and I believe completely in abstinence. Once again at my school girls are more in the habit of saying I love you then guys are.

Answer #6

well, he wants something from you then so if he tells you that. some girls trust the guy if they say that.and thats not a good think so they definitly want something from u. :o

Answer #7

lol yah sammee what are you sayiinngg??

Answer #8

thanks. Thats afficial I HATE. GUYS.

Answer #9

thanks I’m going to really start hating boys. LOL jerks gosh

Answer #10

ok id answer but im not positive of what your trying to ask so reword it and ill answer lol

Answer #11

because they are stupid, and are mad because some other evil girl probably screwed them over. :l

Answer #12

So they can get what they want out of you!

Answer #13

well screw guys LOL

Answer #14

what you hate me thats not nice

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