what songg should I learnn??

well I play guitar and I know a lot of songs soo I dont know what to learn I wanna learn some hard riffss and stuff any ideas on what song I should learn that are fun to play?

Answer #1

Steely Dan is hard, but not great to listen to. Hendrix and metallica are more impressive and easier than people think.

Answer #2

if you want some real challenges go try to play some Protest the Hero. Right now I can play the beginning of divine suicide of K and I’ve only been playing for two years so you should be able to play it and Turn Soonest to the Sea by them.

Good Luck! :)

Answer #3

some iron maiden, try some of slash’s solos, some Pantera songs or try writing your own songs

Answer #4

aw do your own songs…way more rewarding

but if you MUST…lol

anything queens of the stone age or kyuss

Answer #5

I don’t know if they’re really hard, but I know that any guy that can play any Blink 182 songs is pretty amazing. Try some if you haven’t already- =]

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Music production, Music theory, Music education