What shuld I do about this boy?

Ok.. Well there this guy who was my boyfriend..we broke up because of his grades anyway he got mad when I told him who I liked and its not like he dont like anyone because he flirts a lot with girls bt I need big help!what shuld I say to him and do??? Help!!! Plzzz Thanks:)

Answer #1

Give this boy “the silent treatment”. You will notice he’s gonna want you really bad but I find it fun playing hard to get for people you don’t like. When the people you do like see it happening they will think “this is a pretty cool chick”

Answer #2

first off, what are you asking really? you guys broke up, and you told gim who YOU like. on the other hand, he is just a flirt. you need to just move on from hun.

Answer #3

I don’t understand.. Do you want to be with him or no? If you don’t want to be with him, you should probably move on and stop telling him about your business. He cared about you.. so it’s only normal that this is going to upset him. Wouldn’t it upset you if you and someone broke up over YOUR grades and then they did that to you?

If you want to be with him, you need to stop playing games and just tell him straight up what you want. Beating around the bush or playing games rarely gets the point across well.

Answer #4

I agree he had his chance, he blew it. So don’t think it’s him business to go into your social life

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