What should we do for our 6th?

Okay soo my boyfriend and I are having our 6th month anniversary soon. What should we do for it? likee what could we do or go. I live in MI so the weather can be beautiful one day but then the next dayy it can be horriblee. I need some help deciding what to do for our 6th month. can you pleasee help mee? thaaankss(:

Answer #1

repeat your first date together. itll bring back some good memories :)

Answer #2

Well, you could revisit where you first met or go where you had your first official date. You could make a personal card with a handwritten poem or write a letter describing what brought you joy and happiness about the life and times you shared together during the six months. If your a camera bug and this being the tail end of the year… you could make a picture calendar of those events you have pictures of leaving the other months picture blank…with “picture under construction”, or something to that effect. You could also do a scrapbook thing as well. I found having a camera around and picture taking to be a very inexpensive but personal way to come up with ideas. I had a close friend who had a passion for sailing races and regattas primarily on Lake Michigan (I didn’t travel the other races) so at Christmas I took all the pictures of those times and put it in a scapbook for him. He loved seeing himself and mates, the prep/happening time snapshots, and the boat shots as they were nearing the finishing line. Outside views he didn’t have nor pictures of because they were quite busy managing the sails and boat in the races. He said it was the best present he could have gotten……..Oh and if you remember what you were wearing the day you met….You might want to wear it that same day too.

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