What should she do?

This is super complicated, but please try to keep up. I need to give a friend some advice, but it would help to have your input! :)

My friend jordon kissed a guy, while she is dating this other guy (kevin), she says that she really likes this other guy, but still likes kevin. Should she talk to kevin, or just leave it and hope that it doesnt come back up again.

Ps the guy that she kissed (which ws just a peck, but actually meant a lot) is kevins best friend. !!

Answer #1

Ohhh well she needs to break it off w/kevins best friend. Those 2 guys will end up fighting or ending their relationship or maybe they will both be cool about it. you never know but its not cool what shes doing. She will also get that bad rep. Everything she does mite ruin her image. Next thing you know, she’ll end up lonely and the loser in this. And why is this guy even kissing her knowing his boyfriend is w/her too?? you see..thats not cool and what if these 2guys dont care except to date each others dating prospects…she needs to fix this and fast. I think she should tell that guy what happened cause maybe kevin will first then she’ll look really bad. I dont know. I dont know how these 2guys are. Age plays a roll too along w/character etc..so she has to weigh out her options here and do the right thing. Funmail me if you like ! tc

Answer #2

She can kiss and go out with both boys. This is her own decision, and nobody has the real right to make judegment on it.

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